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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Stock KSP 1.8.1, modded (no RSS, no Firespitter, or similar mods, no Restock), latest Smokescreen (in combination with Real Plume 13.1.0 and Real Plume Stock Configs 3.0.1) causes no visible plumes at all, after reverting to everything works fine again.
  2. This mod here has helped me a lot with said bouncing when changing a scene or loading.
  3. Thanks for maintaining this and so many other mods, @linuxgurugamer
  4. Probably some kind of "revert" to default when installing new version", I had the exact same issue here, as already mentioned. I don't care much about sparkles and twinkles, hence I set the reflection stuff to low, you maybe want to increase those settings though maybe?
  5. Issues with shaders and visors are still present -> need to apply fixes as per
  6. I had the same issue with a fresh 1.8.1 install, after changing the settings to this everything looked fine.
  7. Hi and welcome, @onixiya, it's nice to meet another fellow KSP player To be able to help you, we'll need a bit more information here, please, as outlined in this post:
  8. Put the COL behind COM, as @mk1980 said. As per your screenshot, COL is too close to COM and too low.
  9. Just what @mk1980 said. Or you could mount the engines inverted and simply fly backwards
  10. Some more log files and the mod list incl. version info would be useful If you're using CKAN, you can easily export the mod list from there. I'm wondering, as per your output_log.txt, you're Forcing GfxDevice: OpenGL Core for any particular reason? You say nothing has changed, but I won't exclude your PC did install Windows Updates, this could also cause the issue.
  11. Well, the jump would be from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1, my guys "survived" all the other transitions over the years pretty fine (had some minor issues, but everything worked out, every time)
  12. Thing is, I DO care (why else that silly question). Always good to hear what another experienced player says, my take then: editing a sfs file, completely replacing the ROSTER section. That should do, I guess. Ok then, I'll see where it leads to. Thanks a lot, @Geonovast
  13. Probably of limited interest, but after finishing my career game I started with KSP 1.3.1 after 2 years 4 month, I started a new game with KSP 1.8.1. Have put some hours already into it, and slowly I'm getting somewhere. But: the longer I play, the more I miss my old crew who went with me all those two years, through highs and lows. Anyone knows if it is possible (how? Just editing the respective sfs file? Or is there a mod, maybe?) to transfer your Kerbals from one career to another? I just miss my guys (weird personal relationship, I know, it's just me being me, and I miss them. Badly.)
  14. Probably of limit importance, but this is strange: just after starting the game (1.8.1), JC works normal. After some time though, <mod>+right click just brings up the normal right click part-menu, as if JC would not be installed at all. JC menu button works normal (e.g. I can check which parts are blocked where). 1st time,, I thought maybe I missed something, but it happened a couple of times again now. Haven't investigated any further, maybe it's due to reverts, no idea. What I do know, this never happened with KSP versions before 1.8.x Has this been encountered/reported by anyone else?
  15. <kidding> Disregarding my answer, eh? And why did I read your question in the first place? Processed it? Tried to come up with an informative and helpful answer? Hmm? All for nothing? That's very, very naughty of you! </kidding> All good, no worries, see you in space
  16. New 1.8.1 career, with the J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine (haven't unlocked better engines yet) I get close to 500m/s cruising speed at 11500m altitude with a quick-and-easy assembled plane (nothing optimized, it just flies good enough for me).
  17. As per your screenshot, your rover has a direct connection to the KSC, here's how a connection via relay antennas looks like, you see the additional icon in the middle of the five icons: You can hover your mouse over the icons to see the way your signal travels.
  18. CKAN still showing 0.9.6 as latest version. I've downloaded the mod directly, no problem here. But others might rely on what CKAN displays.
  19. @CardboardGuy Yes it does. In fact, all the pure part mods I'm using are working fine with 1.8.1. @linuxgurugamer Hey there, just seen that you updated the mod, thanks for maintaining it, as you know, I love small parts. Any changes apart for "updated for 1.8.1"? Couldn't find a change log.
  20. No crimes so far, but actually been fantasizing about it in my dreams: imagining my boss would be a Kerbal, and ... I'll leave the rest to your imagination
  21. Hi there, @Mr. Peabody, and sorry for coming along probably a bit harsh, but no, if you don't make regular backups, there's no way to revert to an earlier version of your craft. I strongly suggest, for the future, to backup your whole KSP folder regularly. That said, this mod seems to be made for you (you wouldn't need it if you'd make backups regularly):
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