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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Do you have the latest version of the Toolbar including dependencies installed? I also recommend getting this mod as well:
  2. In the next version, I assume? Atm, I've 1.6.0 installed. Ah, found already time to create a config for the little Bambi engine from the SSR MicroSat mod? Again, nothing urgent all, just asking
  3. Btw, sounds, maybe it's just my ears, but the NERV became pretty quiet, almost flustering, compared to other nuclear engines (e.g. the NB2mNuclearEngine from Necro Bones's MRS mod)?
  4. That's a confirmed bug of KSP itself, afaik not resolved yet. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/23302
  5. Thanks! I'll stay a while with 1.7.3. though, no need for me to follow the big rush
  6. Signed We're still talking about 1.7.3, not 1.8, right?
  7. Either restore from a VSS Snapshot a.k.a. "Previous Versions", or restore from a backup (you do make backups regularly, do you?)
  8. Ah, before I forget, a little tip: transmitting science costs a lot of EC, and sometimes even with full batteries, your stored EC isn't enough and you will get a message that the transmission has been canceled due to insufficient EC. As a workaround, you can set the antenna to allow partial transmission. Yes, you'll loose a tiny bit of science that way, but not much, but this way, you can transmit even huge amounts of science. Took me a good while to find this out, back when I started my career, I felt so totally stupid
  9. In general, all of the science can be transmitted. But (of course, there's a but, lol): Say you have a surface sample. As per the wiki, the transmission efficiency is 25% (https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science). That's 75% science lost Now you take another surface sample to get the remaining 75% science. But to get those, you need to bring back that sample to Kerbin (or process it in a science lab), you can't transmit anything as the 25% are already done. In general, I prefer to get all science processed by a science lab, for that purpose I have my little space station with four science labs orbiting Kerbin. When my little green guys return from an expedition, they make a rendezvous with said space station and deliver all science there to be processed. Much, much more efficient, usually by factor of five.
  10. Some speculation then: Is the antenna strong enough to reach the KSC directly? If it is a direct connection, maybe the communication is blocked by Ike/Duna/Kerbin itself? Do you have Relay Sats in place? Enough electricity? Is the science you want to transmit suitable for transmission?
  11. Hey Limonadd, You're making progress at light speed, it seems Regarding the antenna question, I try to avoid speculating, do you have a screenshot of that error message? And about your craft flipping, a shameless self quote from another thread: This is my first successful EVE lander, ready to descend: Things to note: I'm using 2 x 10m-inflatable heat shields, the lower one is for deflecting the heat, the upper one is turned 180 degrees and prevents the craft from flipping. Lots of parachutes for the last part of the descend, saves fuel. Your craft, my take here, simply does not nave enough drag on the upper part, hence it flips. The beauty of this 10-inflatable heat shield is its shape, with the two heat shields oriented this way, the craft automatically becomes stable during descend.
  12. I don't know if this applies to your outpost/station, but one of the most common reasons for vessels/structures suddenly starting vibrating violently and then exploding is using autostrut to heaviest part. When you move fuel around, the center of mass changes, and the heaviest part might change along with it, as a result the autostruted parts have to change their strut attachment, which then causes the mentioned vibrations and explosion. I'd also try using this mod it can help a great deal with physics going wild.
  13. A big bunch of mods, actually. Easiest way to get on overview, imo is to install CKAN, see which mods are available and check their description. All in one place
  14. Yes, CKAN is still the way to go for mods if you don't want to do it manually.
  15. There's already a mod for this (one of my mods I don't want to play without): I might be wrong, but are you maybe talking about KER? KIS/KAS is about inventory and mounting/attaching parts during a mission, not dV or TWR readouts.
  16. With all due respect, but I truly do not understand your questions. The title of your question refers Scott Manley, but in the question itself, nothing regarding him is mentioned, nor an URL is provided. You're talking about high speed or high g-values, where is the question? What is it about "empty separatrons"? No idea what you're talking about, sorry. You can disable the snap functionality in the VAB/SPH and rotate parts freely. What is the issue with radially and/or vertical mounted fuselage? Are you talking about planes, space planes, rockets? What exactly is your issue with the camera? The camera has nothing to do with a rocket flipping. If a rocket flips in the atmosphere during ascend, first check the aerodynamic forces (F12), probably the center of mass is too close to the center of thrust, and/or the angle of attack is too big. A rocket flipping in space is often caused be a wrongly oriented pod/command module.
  17. Hey there, still playing the same career I started with 1.3.1, I hope that I can answer at least a few questions: Relay Network: nothing changed, maybe you can disable that requirement in the settings, I never cared. I've my classic Relay Sat network, required with my settings, works perfect. KAS/KIS: Required? Probably not. Recommened? definitely! MH DLC gives a lot of new parts, mainly 1.875m and 5m, while BG mainly gives robotics and surface features. TAC? You mean life support or other mods like TAC Fuel Balancer? Generally, I'm still using almost the same mods I used in 1.3.1, from graphic mods (EVE, Scatterer, ...), to support mods (KAC, KER and other), to functional mods (Modular Fuel Tanks and other), and part mods (Missing History, Modular Rocket Systems), and I don't want to play without them. What else changed? Several parts refurbished, great UI improvements including quality of life stuff, many useful new parts. All in all, the game became a lot better, in almost every aspect. Plus they truly improved performance, decreased stutter and that (thinking of VAB in particular). Hope this helps
  18. If SAS is on, it keeps the orientation it has the very moment when it loses communication.
  19. Very true, @AHHans, yes. I made it a habit myself to switch to Normal orientation briefly before hitting the atmosphere, then stage to get rid of the remaining rocket parts (engine, tanks, ...), switch to surface mode and retrograde. At around 50k altitude I disable SAS, the landing part should be stable then. As I'm playing with plasma blackout, this is important with small probes in particular, else - lacking a pilot for control - their orientation during plasma blackout won't follow the changing Retograde vector.
  20. Hey @Limonadd, congrats from me as well, I can only agree with @5thHorseman, amazing! Regarding your question about the Navball: I see you're 7.5km above ground, but your Navball is still in Orbit mode, I'd think if you change it to Surface mode, you'll see the retrograde marker a bit off the center. Myself, I hate guesswork, KER gives me exact numerical values for horizontal and vertical speed.
  21. Oh, that happened to you too? Lol... I copied the relevant section from a previous save game into my current one, flag is back
  22. Also: you have the BG surface features enabled? If you're not sure, check your persistent.sfs file, it should have a line reading ROCSeed = <somerandomnumber> If you are continuing an old game you started before BG, that line will be missing, hence no BG surface features will be present.
  23. When you open the debug menu (ALT F12), under Breaking Ground - Surface Features, there's a check box Surface Feature Finder
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