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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Ah, 1.8. Several of your mods are flagged in CKAN as compatible with 1.7.3, not 1.8 yet. I suggest you check the respective mod threads. Quite possible, several threads mention "a mess/bug fest" regarding KSP 1.8.
  2. Incredible... so happy that not everyone jumps the 1.8 bandwagon now and is abandoning 1.7.3 - wow! As mentioned earlier, I'll stay with KSP 1.7.3 for a good while, if not forever, so for me it's Smoke Screen and MM 4.0.3 still, those proved to work perfect for me. A big, big Thank You, again! If I could, I'd bake a nice cake for you (can do that actually, if you'd like me to, lol), and send it over to you (which would be the difficult part, unfortunately). Thanks man, and take care
  3. Wow... Thanks a lot, @Zorg! CKAN says RP 13.0.0 as well as RP Stock 2.0.0 are still downward compatible with KSP 1.7.3? Is that really true? That would so totally make my day
  4. Hello there, Some more information would be useful, from which version of KSP to installed mods and log files. If you have a crash.dmp, please provide that as well.
  5. Hmm... out of good ideas, then a poor one: you installed both, AVP and a texture pack for it? Without texture pack, it can't work, of course.
  6. It was you wasn't? Don't deny, I won't believe you...

    Playing with your "Clever Sats" pack, and suddenly a voice from the off (text box actually) addresses me "Hey Jeb..." during a contract for repairing a satellite.

    At first I was almost a bit scared, then "ooopsy?", then "what", finally I had a break down of laughter :D

    Can only say thank you so much, you so totally made my day! :) 


  7. Depends on your keyboard layout, for me it's ^ , left of the 1 key, you may need to use ALT/STRG
  8. Zipped mods files, looks pretty odd to me. I suggest you try with with a new, fresh install, unmodded, and then add mod by mod vis CKAN.
  9. Still my most important parts mod, before I go to 1.8: anyone knows if this mod still works with 1.8?
  10. Thanks for the Like, I understand that as a "yes" to my question then.
  11. @Jognt I'm staying with 1.7.3 for a good while, the following lines should work properly, I hope?
  12. Thanks! I'll definitely stay with 1.7.3 for a good while, if not forever, too many mods, and some critical for me might not get updated at all, too old, abandoned. That's why is specifically asked about 1.7.3 Take care
  13. I saw that footage, very odd. I'd suggest though that instead of removing all mods, I'd make a complete new fresh install to be sure that there are no remainder of any config files etc. left, just in case.
  14. Very odd, works fine here (I tried both, SVE and AVP). You have more information about your install, mod list?
  15. It's true, you're a bit of the uber-madman, all those mods and then some. No idea where KSP would be w/o you, and I actually don't want to think about. And no, no objection allowed And even it's lame (it probably is), I can only say thank you, again
  16. Nah, mouse, not elephant Just let me know if I can help where ever, and if not, good as well Question: RP Stock Configs should be independent of KSP and RP version, right? As I said, I'll definitely stay with 1.7.3 for a good while. EDIT: thanks again to @DrKoz for testing and the new results
  17. Ohkay... now it gets truly interesting (I'm kind of a terrier regarding such issues, guess that's why boss still keeps me around). Now, how can we isolate the cause of that bug? Wish I could do any programming, but my skills there are VERY limited, I can only do some scripting. But maybe I can do some testing, just give me the word, ok? But again: it's a mouse, not an elephant. EDIT: I still think it's a good idea to contact @sarbian, he's not only the author of MM but one of the people who has a deep knowledge about KSP works internally.
  18. I don't have any 1.8, why would I, 1.7.3 works very nice and smooth for me Ol' me sticks with stuff that just works (probably an Aspie thingy, hehe. In that context, KSP itself - Exploration, going to NEW places, is already a challenge. Took me two years to finally visit all CBs) Check together with @sarbian then I'd suggest? It's a mouse, not an elephant, a minor inconvenience, no big deal. Playing w/o RP though, now that would be a true bummer!
  19. Now that's interesting, last time I played w/o RP is years ago... curious, what @Zorg says about this. Funny, the bug trackers still says this issue is acknowledged, but not resolved.
  20. Yes, these versions are the latest for KSP 1.7.3 (probably @linuxgurugamer is already working on updating them for 1.8, though with the ridiculous numbers of mods he maintains and has adopted, it might take a while) and work perfectly fine.
  21. The post from @releansol is from 30th September, hence maximum KSP version 1.7.3., and for that version, the mods mentioned are working fine. I was not talking about 1.8, it is well known and was before release, that many mods wouldn't work with it. For my part, I'll stay with 1.7.3 for a good while, everything works as it should
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