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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. A simple check on the mod author's status page: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/50907-spannermonkeysmce/&status=8766&type=status
  2. ... and after the download in a temporary folder, the mods are extracted in their respective folder under GameData, you should have made a screenshot from that, not your download cache folder.
  3. Many, many thanks, @Beale, makes very happy that I now can play with proper USSR rockets
  4. Then Tantares 19 as well as TantaresLV 12.1 are both good with KSP 1.7.3?
  5. I'm a bit confused, CKAN says Tantares 19 is good for KSP 1.8, but not 1.7.3 anymore, while TantaresLV 12.1 is still for just KSP 1.5 Here I read: Thanks for clarification (I'm playing KSP 1.7.3 and will continue for a good while, not joining the 1.8 bandwagon any soon)
  6. Any, there are lot of challenge ideas and wild stuff Some I remember: landing an asteroid at the KSC, or a manned mission to Jool, diving to 0m sea level and back.
  7. Checked this? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/25-challenges-mission-ideas/
  8. Confirmed, wrapping problem is gone (atm using a 1920x1080 screen, will check later with my own 192x1200 monitor, but the issue was present with the 19220x1080 one too). Thanks, @linuxgurugamer, that was pretty fast, I hope you did not invest too much time for this little mouse
  9. 1920 x 1200 Nope. Again: it's a minor inconvenience, a mouse, not an elephant, just thought to let you know, that's all
  10. I'm still playing 1.7.3, not 1.8, too many bugs (as expected), reminds me of 1.4.x, plus most of my precious mods aren't updated yet (expected as well). My game runs fine, I don't feel the need to join the 1.8 bandwagon yet. Saw that as well, and I wouldn't have reported this minor inconvenience if I'd play 1.8. Installed mod version is which is according to CKAN good for KSP 1.7.3 (which I'm still playing and will continue for a good while, if not forever), not 1.8. Yes, I should have reported version numbers along, but after deciding for myself to stay with 1.7.3, all that 1.8 hype train went out of my attention.
  11. Pretty sure you're overestimating my abilities, I've never done any proper programming (just some scripting), I can't model, never used Blender, I'm not very familiar with MM syntax, and so on. That said, sure, if I can help, I'll happily do so, provided I can find time for it. Deal?
  12. @Snark This should do it, I think, but please, check for proper syntax: Screenshot: Question: despite having all science from the crew report at the launchpad, a freshly launched pod still has the lights blinking as if there'd be some science to get. After I do a crew report (collecting 0.0 science), the lights act normal. Any idea what's going on here?
  13. Hey @linuxgurugamer, don't know if this has mentioned before, the text "Total Comm Loss" from the Comm-Pro controller is unreadable. No biggie, just thought to let you know.
  14. After initial download and installation, I recommend to make a copy of the game to another place, e.g. "C:\Kerbal Space Program" and play the game from that directory, this way you'll never get any unexpected updates/changes via Steam. Also, I suggest to make a backup at regular intervals from your game directory (a simple robocopy works perfect), better safe than sorry
  15. No immediate solution comes to my mind, but as a last resort, you can open the cheats menu ALT F12 and complete the contract there.
  16. Hey @Snark, I was checking several mods yesterday if I missed some important one that would fit my game play and came along the Curvus mod (another 2 Kerbal pod), seems it doesn't have indicator lights for it, and I couldn't find a config in the community extensions either. Do you by chance know if there's already a config for it? And if not: would it be helpful if I create one? The mod is still maintained, afaik, should I contact the mod author and ask if he's fine with me creating a config for IL? Just asking to avoid any potential hazard (I came along another thread with kind of heated discussion regarding modding, you know that particular thread, I want to avoid such "disturbances", naturally)
  17. Hey @katateochi, I'd assume this has been mentioned before, has it? In the Craft Manager mod it reads satelites instead of satellites.
  18. Hey there @linuxgurugamer, Some mods do have their own category in the Filter Extensions, while others do not. Question: what do I need to do to create an own category for those mods?
  19. Now look at that beauty... Bambi looks very happy now And the little SSR Micosat Engine too:
  20. 1.8, what can I say... You see, 1.8 is a major upgrade as it comes with a new Unity version. A lot, if not the majority, of the mods will need a thorough update/rework to work with 1.8 again. And as by itself 1.8 is a thorough upgrade, bugs/inconsistencies/issues are to expected as well. You have to ask yourself, do you want to join the 1.8 bandwagon right now or wait a while? I boils down to the simple question "what do I get" vs "what do I lose". Are the updates/improvements worth it for you to go into the new 1.8 realm vs not having the latest stuff but a stable game w/o the latest features, plus having a bunch of fine mods for it?
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