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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Yepp, couldn't agree more Lot of things are bad today, but not everything
  2. Nah, I'm just simply old, memories of my youth
  3. I still remember sitting with my parents during night on the sofa, watching the Apollo 11 landing on out b/w TV... omfg, that sofa was so incredible ugly I reviewed the footage from the German TV some time ago, I remember back then I was spellbound, but now? Poor quality, and I'm not talking about the footage itself, but the stupid commentator who obviously had not much of idea what was going on Regarding the year I was born, this:
  4. Hey @zer0Kerbal, if you can give me a raw MM script that *somehow* (your job, hehe) romoves the cloned ILs, I'll be happy to adjust the individual IL indicators (my part), ok? The two pods I made IL configs for were stand-alone parts, not cloned/copied, much easier for someone (me) who's not proficient with MM syntax, I just spent some time to position the ILs properly. This beast aka More Hitchhikers starts with +PART[crewCabin]:NEEDS[KGEx/MoreHitchhikers]:FOR[MoreHitchhikers] read: cloning, and I seriously don't know how to proceed with my part.
  5. Yeah, I had that issue too, my two workarounds: either a bit more fuel for small last minute course corrections, or alternatively I added a MK-1 pod to keep the thingy floating, I prefer the 1st method. To guesstimate when the probe might land, the Trajectories mod is pretty helpful.
  6. Panic is always a bad adviser. Step by step: 1. Copy your Steam-KSP installation to a different location, e.g. C:\KSP.bak 2. In Steam, disable cloud saves for KSP. 3. In Steam, uninstall KSP. 4. Quit Steam. 5. Delete the Steam-KSP installation folder. 6. Open Steam, redownload KSP, now you have a clean install. 7. Run the new KSP installation once to make sure it works properly. 8. Close KSP, quit Steam. 9. Copy the new KSP installation to a different location, e.g. C:\KSP 10. Open KSP_x64.exe from C:\KSP, should run fine. 11. Close KSP. 11. Copy the folder "saves" from C:\KSP.bak to C:\KSP 12. Open KSP_x64.exe from C:\KSP, try loading an old save game.
  7. Why did you open two threads about that problem, @Lundmunchkins? Have you read this post from @Salticus ? Essentially he did what I suggested to you earlier, and his clean install works. I'm pretty sure you did not completely delete your old install.
  8. You're playing without mods, then you should be able to copy your old installation including all save games to another place, delete your Steam KSP installation, delete any remaining folders/files manually, and redownload KSP, this way you'll a fresh and pristine installation.
  9. "A few days ago" you say... a few days ago the 1.8 update was released. Do you play directly from your Steam-downloaded installation? Chances are that you got the 1.8 update and this maybe broke your game, not that craft file. I remember when 1.7.3 came out, I also had to redownload the MH DLC as that got updated as well. Also: if you're playing from your Steam-Installation, do you have cloud saves enabled? If yes, that may, despite you have deleted that old save, redownload it automatically. In general, I recommend you make a copy of your KSP and play from that, do not play directly from the Steam download, that way no unwanted update surprises will ever hit you
  10. Hey there, I strongly suggest to make a copy of your KSP folder and play from that, this avoids any unforeseen auto-updates via Steam which might break your game. For mods, you should try CKAN
  11. Позволяет передавать данные, даже без достаточной электроэнергии (частичная передача, с потерями, не сильно, хотя).
  12. Товарищ! Ты отключили «Требовать завершения» для антенны?
  13. Most excellent, thanks a lot! My little Kerbals asked me to say "tрank you" as well, they hate being forced to keep silent
  14. It seems Squad_modularFuelTanks.cfg contains double config entries for several tanks, like @PART[fuelTank] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 400 type = Default } }
  15. Thanks a lot for caring and maintaining this mod, it's just like @RealKerbal3x said: "The game feels so empty without it." Simple question: atm (and for the foreseeable future) I'm running KSP 1.7.3, I have Chatterer 0.9.96 plus Chatterer Extended 0.6.2 installed. Would updating via CKAN remove the Chatterer Extended part, and/or reset my Chatterer config?
  16. ... which hopefully has all the old saves and mods, good! I strongly suggest, after downloading from Steam, to make a copy of the whole KSP folder and play from there, not from the Steam installation, this way you won't get an unpleasant surprise from a sudden update and resulting incompatibilities. Also, make frequent backups of your whole KSP installation, better safe than sorry That said, just follow @Zhetaan's recommendations, and you should be fine. Make a fresh Steam download of KSP (and disable cloud saves), make a copy from that, add your mods one by one (check mod compatibility before adding), and you should be good again pretty soon. If everything works, copy your old saves to the new installation and check if you can load a save w/o issues.
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