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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. Soz @Commodoregamer118? dewitdewitdewitdewit
  2. Maybe the people that run the forum could change the way the forum looks to look more Christmasy?..... like, Christmas colours, tinsel next to the ksp logo at the top... idk
  3. My pet bird probably hates or loves me but I’ll never know
  4. People aren’t talking about it that much now
  5. Ahem. Know any game music better than the intro to ksp or the credits music?
  6. So, currently there isn’t much point in overplaying ksp. I heard that there was a proposal to make a whole backstory for ksp using the Easter eggs, but the developer went. Twas thinking, will a backstory be implemented to ksp 2 for us to find? It would give the game much more point, as we would want to find out where and how kerbals were created etc. And also, maybe there could be an minecraft sort of “end” to the game such as we find the lost generation ship that brought kerbals to this world. Yknow, the juice that would make the game that bit more interesting. (ok I get it now)
  7. @Pds314 Ok fine. I can’t reply to THAT, so 10/10 CHRISTMASSSS IS ALMOST HEREREE
  8. so, NO probe landers? aww so that means that I am allowed an orbital relay, as long as it's launched with the rest of the ship.
  9. let me get this- NO biome hopping ONLY the missions you said YES probes, eg satalites
  10. Dear the dear K-prize members, I present to you, the first member of the MEV family, the MEV1! Thank you. The MEV1 aims to give an easy way of getting to low kerbin orbit with extra fuel. The four reaction wheels make reentry easy without spinning out of control. The craft has no decouplers, and is completly stock, made out of the KSC's janky parts, found lying around. Here below, we have made an montage of photos , along with the display of how fast it's going, and etc. Yes, we did land it on the runway (see montage) We recovered it for another day. Also, before I forget, here is the download link- https://kerbalx.com/jeb_/MEV1 Thank you.
  11. I made a kerbal fidget spinner A kerbal on each arm
  12. Well, idk but I really don’t do rockets much. I just don’t have the time to do much interplanetary missions
  13. Valentina was researching an FTL ㅂber drive but someone found out, wanted the idea for himself so he killed val by pushing her off a cliff. Karen Kerman- called for the manager too many times
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