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Everything posted by llikooid

  1. the engine doesn't have a sound in the development branch
  2. i dont like the look of the jnsq default texture, its very low resolution already use the high graphics settings but still pixelated when im orbiting the planet
  3. is there any visual mods that works with jnsq? already try ad astra and install it correctly but still missing alot of texture in eve, the path is correct but there is no texture
  4. how to make srd plumes to use waterfall? my srb plumes looks weird and shorter than the rs-25
  5. im sure i installed it correctly, tsc was installed kk and omega consturct also installed, everything was there but the grass texture is purple and some pads too i can lunch from tsc pads too
  6. i use jnsq and everything was purple the pad is there working but the texture is purple
  7. yeah why not? so you dont need to do that alot of works, just add kertemis as a denpendencies
  8. Should i delete old shared assets folder or just overwrite it? I installed redirect too and i think there is orion solar panel parts inside that folder
  9. i moved to ksrss from jnsq! and my orange rocket cant wait to be launched from cape canaveral, when will you make a thread of that mod and give us a beta test ohh yeah, will you remake redirect sls block 1 adapter and icps? i like it painted fully white and the adapter is too short
  10. i heard youre working in cape canaveral style launch site i have a question for it will it working in JNSQ? and, are you using tundra space center? if yes will all launchpad in cape available?
  11. where can i found that payload separator (i dont know what the name, colored black, not the decoupler) in your screenshot?
  12. im trying to remove my mod one by one and load ksp so i can know what mod causing it, thankyou for your help
  13. i installed tundra exploration and same things happened, i think something wrong with b9partswitch, heres my log hopefully you can help me fix this heres my log file
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