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  1. The KSP Community will endure with the same spirit that all spacefarers do.
  2. In the long list of things that could've, should've been... KSP2 was up there. No point in wallowing in regret. Time to let it rest. Farewell to this project and best wishes to all those developers who so diligently worked on this ill-fated title.
  3. Nice! Over at the hype train we were debating whether we'd get a sneak peek at colonies with this anniversary post Happy first birthday to KSP2. Cheers to many more
  4. Maybe we'll get a sneak peek for colonies in the dev updates this month?
  5. That thing is a beaut! Can't stop staring at it
  6. I find it disheartening that the replies to this post have become the very thing the author of the post was complaining about. Nothing can be done about that though, as an online forum, this is just the natural state of things. Our community here is relatively small however and a lot of familiar faces pop-up in these spiraling discussions. Maybe they pop-up too much, if you understand what I'm saying. If my opinion can be of any value (which it isn't) I'd like to respectfully ask a particular set of users if it is worth the time and effort to continuously battle each other, at the detriment of the social fabric of our community. Sometimes it is better to acknowledge a differing opinion, and feel that one need not respond
  7. The fastest aircraft under 20,000m altitude that I have been able to build and fly reached a top speed of ~1730m/s. This was using limited fuel and RAPIER engines. The only way to reach your speeds is to practically go into low earth orbit, at which point, you might as well be using a rocket. However, you might be able to squeeze a few more m/s on this aircraft you've showed us if you reduce some of its mass. Without infinite fuel however, I don't see it reaching your current maximum speed
  8. Twenty years from now, we will look back at these posts and share a hearty laugh at our internet-arguments over our little Space-frog Rocket Simulator game By then KSP2 will be out of development and it will have become whatever it must become. Will our words here be perfect representations of gamer impatience? Perhaps they'll age well? Our legacies preserved in digital amber, here in our little corner of the internet, as petty arguments over an early access game I feel like this has been said before. Maybe we all need to chill, lest we loose the spirit that made these forums such a lovely place to be
  9. In an alternate Universe where it wasn't: "To ensure a stable and enjoyable user experience, we recommend playing KSP2 on a Matrioshka Brain"
  10. If your definition of "entertainment value" is arguing with the same people over and over again about the same bloody topic: a game that had a terrible launch and is in development limbo... then brother, you should really find better ways to spend your time The KSP2 section of these forums is essentially at an impasse. Everything that could have been said has been said... to death. There is nothing new to see here. Usually it is the same people arguing with each other and liking each others posts. A perpetual war of sorts, except unlike Oceania vs Eurasia, it's just a bunch of people on the internet
  11. Unfortunately this news is going to be received very poorly by some members of the community. I appreciate that the team has come forth and clarified this issue for us. It gives us a little more certainty I trust that time will mold KSP2 into what we have dreamt it to be, but patience is a virtue... A virtue not always found in aerospace-crashing enthusiasts
  12. Ah, the KSP Forums Post-KSP2 launch: You make a discussion on a topic not related to the KSP2 launch and expect it to get maybe 2-4 replies... A month later it starts getting a lot of discussion... You check the discussion and it is all about the KSP2 Launch This is definitely, among the many forums of the internet, a forum that exists. Individuals post, answer, and reply. This must be the most forum of them all
  13. This would practically solve all my issues with wings in KSP2. There would no longer be a need to add any wing parts, the basic three sizes in the game would suffice. Man, I wish your suggestion wasn't just a suggestion
  14. If you really think about it, a land-kraken is just a dragon
  15. Alright everyone, hear me out Heartbroken from my AMA question not being answered, I refused to take my medication this morning and I logged on to the KSP twitter. I now believe that I have conclusive evidence that "snacks" will indeed be a feature in KSP2's hyper-realistic, lifesupport-less colony simulation Behold: If you look closely at this image, you will see a Kerbal (presumably Jeb) looming over a box (presumably snacks) We can infer that this rectangular box of "snacks" has 8 vertices. 8 vertices equal 8 letters. "Colonies" has 8 letters C o l o n i e s = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Snacks will be feature in ksp2 colonies confirm...
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