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Everything posted by AnFa

  1. >A: I am now retired from KSP1 modding and will only be providing bugfixes. Now that KSP2 has been brought to the back of the barn, shot, and buried, I wonder if you'll ever revise this position lmao
  2. Why can't I type anything in the UT field?
  3. Something is very, VERY wrong with this mod. As you can see, I set my maneuver exactly as TWP told me to, and I'm not getting anywhere NEAR my target. What's going on here?
  4. I'm having this problem with Landing Info. The Suicide Burn Countdown is being incredibly optimistic. I'm descending to the Mun and if I start the burn at 0, the countdown keeps going into the negatives and I crash. If I start the burn 10s before 0, I still crash. What's going on?
  5. It's not just right clicking. You have to click and hold with the right button on it. Try reinstalling the mod then.
  6. You can move the MechJeb lid by right click pressing on it and dragging it left and right. As for the your other error, Firespitter shouldn't have anything to do with this
  7. What does the governor slider in some parts do exactly? I tried changing them, but it didn't seem to affect anythgin
  8. What does the governor slider change in the centrifuges? It doesn't seem to do anything
  9. Would it be too much of an imposition to ask for one?
  10. Is it possible to change the angle of the deployed chutes?
  11. For issues with that, you need to ask in the thread of the mod, but there is a good guide there, so take a loot at it
  12. FAR has a lite version of RealChutes installed. Install the full mod to get the options back. Get the mod here:
  13. I see. What about the curves (cross-sectional area, curvature cross-sectional area, and avg pressure coefficient)? Like, what's better? First or the second, and why?
  14. I assume these modes are for helicopter crafts. How do I activate them?
  15. I have openned one of the launchsites that come with KK, Kerman Atoll, and I can launch planes from there, but the launchpad isn't available in the launchsites list, neither through clicking the launchpad in the KSC scene, nor in the VAB launch button. I have already opened the place, and I've enabled other launchsites in the difficulty menu. Why is this problem ocurring?
  16. Can anyone please explain to me or point me to a good explanation about what are the stability derivatives?
  17. Thank you. Yes, I searched for a video after your suggestion and now the instruments makes a lot more sense. One thing I was actually wondering though, is about the mod itself. Apparently I can select runways that don't actually... exist. For example, in the runway list, there's a runway called "KSC VAB West" which seems to be the stretch of rail that goes from the VAB to the launchpad. Is this expected behavior? If so, how can delete it so it won't show on the list?
  18. The way this mod is presented makes me think that there's a bunch of background info that I should have about how to read these instruments that I don't have, because I have no idea how to make sense of these instruments
  19. Why ascent guidance is so excrements? I'm flying this rocket I can get it manually to orbit without issue, but MechJeb can't even find a way to get out of orbit. All settings a refactory default. This is the result: Like I said, I can fly this rocket to orbit just fine, but no matter what changes I make to the options, MechJeb can't, so I must ask again. Why is ascent guidance so excrements?
  20. Is there any guide on how to make patches for Kerbalism of other mods, like for example Galaxies Unbound?
  21. Do you have a guide on how to do these? Because I use Tantares, and would love to do something similar for their parts
  22. I'm using System Heat, but for some reason, it isn't detecting this Convert-O-Tron 125 as a source of heat. Why?
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