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Everything posted by Goufalite

  1. You can steer the stayputnik, but you obviously need something to steer (RCS, reaction wheel, fins/elevons). Stayputnik doesn't have SAS so you can steer but not stabilize. That what the difficulty is at the beginning. You should try a fresh vanilla install of KSP to see how the stayputnik behaves. If you want a no control you can hibernate the probe so it won't react to fine controls like partial throttle, RCS, steering,... With the bug I found on my side I could SAS it although it's forbidden. Heck I could even SAS debris (without movement)!!!
  2. I had this when installing linuxgurugamer's dependencies ClickThroughBlocker and ToolBar Controller I opened a ticket but it got closed. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/WaypointManager/issues/5 If it's still not fixed I'll take a further look. EDIT: I went a little fast... my mentionned bug is for command pods or probe assisted ships... How do you know your stayputnik shouldn't have control ? Out of range ? Out of electricity ? Full SAS instead of no SAS ? SAS without locks ?
  3. Hi, I'm started playing for a little while (flyby of Mun atm) and it's epic! Exploring biomes by planes for science and not just because of exploration gives KSP another very interesting pathway! But now I have a sort of bottleneck... I'm playing without additional ground stations and with comm required for control and... well 2G antennae are a little far in the tech tree and their prerequisite are quite expensive... So the problem is I can't build an early-mid relay constellation around Kerbin (HG-5 antennae are too weak to reach Mun) and I need control for doing Mun insertions and other stuff. Another problem is that my unlocked probes can only stabilize and not prograde/retrograde lock, so even without comm required they wouldn't burn correctly when out of comm range... Obviously Probe control point command pods are not accessible and again HG-5 are too weak... Did it happen to somebody else here? My options: Put off comm required => won't work because my probes don't have other SAS locks than stability Rush electricity + 2G antennae => by doing this I don't research other things like heavy rocketry to lift heavier ships for Mun... Aim for Minmus instead I'll currently try to land on Minmus with a probe but it might be grindy... Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello, I just come from the "Probes before Crew" forum post where somebody linked to this mod. What are the differences between unkerballed start and probes before crew? Is it only a tech tree revamp or do some elements has changed properties (science values,...)(saw description : tech tree move + new parts) Also do you recommand changing the science slider in the difficulty settings? At which value? I plan to do a hard science run with no labs and no tracking stations, but I don't use modded parts. Thanks!
  5. I think you must switch to 1.11.2 because of the Mk1-3 RCS bug which prevents you from saving/loading the game. Backup your KSP installation folder before in case you find a game breaking bug in 1.11.2.
  6. Hello, here's my submission for a Level1 entry! All details are in the mission report. (if the link to the mission report acts weird, here's the plain one https: //forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/201179-jool5-moar-motherships-edition-and-some-personal-rules/)
  7. Hi everyone! After 1,600 hours (and still not getting back from Eve) I decided to give a try to the "Jool5" challenge. It's a Level 1 entry but with some additional personal rules for realism and fun. And now some precisions... Costs: - strato1 (Laythe SSTO) : 45,827 - bottommothership (kerbol/moon transfer) : 311,170 - topmothership (tylo and other moons lander): 124,204 - bottommothership2 (moar motherships) : 243,421 x 2 = 486,842 Total = 968,043 Imgur album showing ships and difficulty settings Shared folder containing ships and savefiles Remarks What are all the HG-5 antennae on the motherships? When I first started the challenge I disabled additional ground stations, relying only on the pilot's probe control point ability. But it was very hard and I needed a Kerbin full coverage for the Laythe Kerbnet mapping part. What are the two new SAS axis? It's the "Smart Docking Aid" mod. It provides a SAS lock for the docking port alignment. Unfortunately I didn't use it a lot because the Okto2 probe lacks this feature and the lander was more easy to maneuver than the mothership. Why is the ship in a green/orange halo? It's the "Easy Vessel Switch" mod. Maintain Alt and click on a ship to directly switch to it. You can also highlight parts by pressing O. What's the talkie/walkie symbol? / What's "probe control point"? Wiki entry . In short one or two pilots with a specific command pod or probe core and a relay antenna can control distant in range ships (full control of probes or maneuver nodes for manned ships) without a KSC connection. More info on the Module Manager patch for EVA jetpacks? I have a few rants with KSP: no stock docking port alignment indicator, omnipotent kerbals in default science and sandbox modes (and now career since 1.11.1) and magically refuelling EVA jetpacks. To my big surprise they added in 1.11.1 a flag in the cfg file of the jetpack and canister to prevent them from refuelling, or at least leave mods decide. With the module manager patch below, jetpacks and canisters don't refuel, at all, BUT there's an interesting side effect where this is limited to the object itself, meaning that when a jetpack is empty, simply dump it and take another! The downside is that only an engineer can dump stuff in space and there is no indication on which jetpack is empty or not. Before 1.11 I used the EVA fuel mod but it is currently on hold due to the cargofication of the jetpack, but in general I use a lot of ladders and moderate my spacewalks with intense use of docking (with stock missing's DPAI mod of course) Was this mission tested? At first I wanted to use the standard "moar motherships" without modifications and played normally without capturing on 1.10.1. I didn't want to capture stuff and then run out of fuel near Vall. The first mission went well (with a few attempts, I made the Laythe landing after the whole trip) and I managed to be stuck near Bop with 1050m/s of fuel and a bad Tylo encounter to go back to Kerbin. I waited for 1.11 since it announced Joolian moons revamp, but 1.11.0 added the "flag falling" glitch. I waited longer and 1.11.1 added the "full SAS kerbals anywhere" bug, forcing me to recreate a new career save and move ships. Without any news of another hotfix I launched the mission, encountered the explosive EVA struts bug and moved along. Despite a very bad moon alignment when encountering Jool I saved more fuel than the very first time and the Bop stranding gave me the idea to use the lander to go to Bop. Thanks for reading!
  8. Apparently in 1.11.1 they added an attribute to prevent jetpacks from reloading fuel : https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26944 (at the bottom) I'll try later but since the setting is part dependant it might mean that a Kerbal would have to use another jetpack if one is depleted. Sound interesting...
  9. They fixed something in 1.11.1 about refueling in EVA. I don't know if it's related... EDIT : they added a flag in the cfg of the jetpack to tell if refueling is possible : https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26944#note-5
  10. Hi, I've just tested the mod with the new 1.11 version. Good news : there is no regression with the parachute/repair system. Engineers at a precise level are still needed to fix specific parts (level 3 => wheels for example), and repair kits are consumed normally. EVA construction mode is fine, only engineers can move parts in every situation (kerbal xp or not). Bad news : Engineers now can repair ALL broken parts (solar panels, antennae, robotic scanning arms) with repair kits if they are level1. And again, Squad didn't bother and ALL kerbals can fix parts in default sandbox/science mode (I thought they would take the opportunity to change this with this update...) I suppose a new trait is missing, but beware : wheels and legs only need a level 1 engineer in career since it's a "generic broken part". Personnaly, I think the number of repair kits should be level dependant, for example a 4 repair kit should require a 4-star kerbal since it's a more complex part. To be discussed I'll look at the code when I'll have some time.
  11. Yes, I just don't want that kerbal engineer to go to Jool with the rest (mass, crew space,...)
  12. Hi, With 1.11 I was wondering if it was possible for an engineer to ponctually get to LKO and put stuff on the main ship before it leaves, then go back to Kerbin without going to Jool?
  13. Thanks to 1.11 you can now repair your ships! Search for "broken" to list your broken parts in your savefile.
  14. Hello, since lockdown has restarted in my country, time to start a Jool challenge! But I have some questions - Is the World Stabilizer mod allowed? It's a mod that prevents ships from being destroyed upon scene loading when they are landed somwhere. It changes the gravity for a few seconds when a ship is landed. If no, I'll gladly unistall it (and raise my F5/F9-fu). - I don't understand "All launches must be flown" in rule 3. Let's say I want to send a SSTO to Kerbin's orbit to rendezvous and dock with a mothership, and right after send a refuel ship to refuel that SSTO . Do I have to bring that refuel ship with me to Jool or can I leave it as debris in Kerbin's orbit? Thank you in advance.
  15. The example is still a picture, you can take a screenshot of Vintage and Future icons while playing then crop the screenshot to only save the part you want. What I did was a picture of my kerbal wearing a suit and croped it to do a thumbnail.
  16. I just tested it, I don't even need DPAI anymore! The target and prograde markers on the navball are enough to finalize the docking!
  17. Thanks! Along side the "All SAS Modes" settings, beware that when playing default Sandbox or Science mode (and in general when deactivating the "Kerbal XP" setting), all kerbals have full SAS capabilities, confer link below.
  18. I made 3x2 suits (one for each specialization) in a folder at GameData's root. Here they are : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SmnFbtq6DSMsTX1mZ4TsCkm4ol2L9ovI/view?usp=sharing Try to unzip it in GameData, your structure must be GameData > Goufasuit > files If it works on your side, okey than. Or else I remembered I have ModuleManager installed...
  19. I duplicated the files for the gender, even if they are the same. If it helps...
  20. Correct, it assumes you are positionned in the GameData folder. Of course for example the first suit will be suitTexture = Suits/Suit1/Textures/suittexture
  21. You can do a folder tree like GameData > MySuits > Suit1 > (Suit1 files) GameData > MySuits > Suit2 > (Suit2 files) GameData > MySuits > Suit3 > (Suit3 files) ... And you can tell in each cfg file to search textures and icons in (GameData/MySuits/Suit1/suit1.cfg) suitTexture = MySuits/Suit1/texturefile (GameData/MySuits/Suit2/suit2.cfg) suitTexture = MySuits/Suit2/texturefile ... OR put a cfg file at the root of MySuits with a list of all suits SUITCOMBOS { SUITCOMBO { name = Suit1 suitTexture = MySuits/Suit1/texturefile ... } SUITCOMBO { name = Suit2 suitTexture = MySuits/Suit2/texturefile ... } ...
  22. For those struggling with game folders for suits, the key is simple : GameData is your root folder. Imagine GameData as your / or . folder when you define paths. Just open the GameData folder's content in your file explorer and tell where your suits are from there. For example, I made suits in a folder the same place than other mods : Kerbal Space Program > GameData > GoufaSuit > (texture, cfg and icon files) The cfg file mentions files in this folder suitTexture = GoufaSuit/pilotFutureMale This is very useful instead of putting them in the Squad folder, risking a deletion after a file integrity check for example. Also this could be a mod configuration for CKAN!
  23. Lack of stock docking tools and UI Docking takes a lot of part of the game (space stations, refueling,...) and there's a lack of docking UI helpers. I know that a lot of people do the "lowne lazy method of docking stuff" by switching to target mode on both ships, but what if one of the ships is a huge space station? without reaction wheels? without control?....) Docking is here for a long time and we're missing An alignement indicator. We have to rely on two mods for this: Navball Docking alignement indicator (which gives a helpful yet tiny indicator) or the Docking Port Alignment indicator (which depends on module manager). Aligning docking ports (angle and position) is 80% of the work, the rest is slowly coasting. A Precise view of docking. Again the Docking Port alignment indicator gives info but if the ships are massive we can't see well the alignment with the camera. The HullVDS mod fixes this, or the advanced tweakables to have a "aim camera" option. A BETTER TUTORIAL. The tutorial is litteraly "smash the IJKLHNCV buttons until you dock". It doesn't hint on the normal axis trick to auto-align small ships for example. Also it should be splitted into two tutorials: rendezvous and docking, like the asteroid tutorial. Since 1.7 I'm happy to see nice UI improvements for dV and orbital info, but since then nothing for docking... So this is more an annoyance than a rant since I'm waiting for a new update to add this.
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