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Everything posted by ra4nd0m

  1. Breaking news! Soviets just finished orbital assembly of a gaint nuclear space noodle and now are ready for a manned mission to Mars! Amazing work!
  2. And would you belive it, there are some loose files inside a folder. I thought I deleted it YEARS ago!!! Thank you very much for assistance! I've been moving around my install pretty frequently when I got myself new SSD so I guess something snuck in. I wonder if I should start using git for various installs...
  3. Only CCK and real names. Don't use it. (Looks worse then particle based realplume IMO) Thank you for your efforts).
  4. Hello guys. I've encountered a wierd problem with latest bdb dev branch and would appreciate some help! Here's logs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FdixAErp_kBpohD2LQWH8MVi8HHSmVIH/view?usp=sharing @Rodger Can you please take a look? Running a clean install of BDB
  5. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1048331222172049438/1266118194205167636/image.png?ex=66a3fbf4&is=66a2aa74&hm=878b0e65047a208621ac96ca09b7a772eb6e3863cadc990a42aa6131bcf42604&
  6. Sorry for the insert, but with Saturn IB I usually run 100 m/s booster pitch start and pitch rate at 0.3, but with lower Pe of 120 km. I run KSRSS which I belive is x2.7 and it reaches orbit. Launches both from Baikonur at 51.5 deg (NOT SIB of course but other rockets) and KSC so 28 degs Perhaps, due to high Pe set it wastes time setting it up instead of burning horizontally to stay. Better to set up specific Ap to reach. PVG starts setting it up after circularization at inputted Pe. However, PVG sometimes just decides to do a funny and stop working on particular save alltogether, but symptoms of this is weired trajectory and/or being stuck at INITIALIZING. Sorry, mind is mushy it's 11 pm here. EDIT: Also here's a nifty trick. Enable autostaging but limit it at second stage, NOT at the ship itself. Sometimes, it works best this way
  7. Thanks, mate! THose words were the best thing that happend to me this month! I wish I could buy you a beer, or a can of soda, dunno what you enjoy... Does anybody know who's responsible for CCK patch? I think that either patch itself or tags on new atlas parts should be updated. This patch is a real life-saver and I really hope for the update.
  8. For sure?!?! Then it seems my autistic mind got an allergic reaction on asymmetrical design and said "it's bad" Sorry for the false ping! Won't happen again! Pinky promise
  9. Okey! Perhaps you can share your toolset for those illustrations? I have some free time and maybe can do some "pull requests" Also, @Zorg is there any chance of changing side node attachment of atlas V upper stage tank to have an option of selecting side? Right now atlas heavy is asymmetrical. Perhaps instead of simple "side node" option having "side node left" and "side node right" is a better option? Delta 4 also suffers from this. Perhaps @Rodger can take a look at this since they're config wizard
  10. So, I've been checking wiki for build guides and wanted to ask, @Friznit is there any plans on updating sdlv section, or perhaps making separate page for SLS and oranges stuff? Those mods are amazing and totally deserve proper docs.
  11. There are CADS docking port and saturn 1c, saturn multibody already + AARDVARK and spacelab/apollo stuff
  12. Hey guys! Haven't been playing for a while and now I'm wandering what's new was added in the latest dev branch in addition to atlas rework and x-15 since last version. Kinda hard to track what's going on considering the size of each update and the over-the-place scope.
  13. 0_0 This is COOOL!! What kind of hydrazine was used by the way? Mono or UDMH or simple? For toxicity purposes)
  14. I know, just my brain did a funny and forgot this word... I wonder what the next update will be named... atlas shrugged?)
  15. "slaps an enormous abomination built from countless bodies, knee high in blood, after prolonged dark magic necromantic ritual"
  16. That letter "E" at the end of "BDB in russkiy" is especially cursed for me. I don't know which app was used for this, but even 4th grader in Russia would do a better job "translating" It is pure linguistic abomination. And what on Earth, Mars and Venus is this "flighp" at the boattail? What have slavic languages done to you?!?!?!
  17. Tried TOO cursed for what I'm attempting to do... Need something, less offensive? Less sreaming "here I am, I am here I am crazy" BTW any tips on how big proton core is supposed to be? Also, LR's are too long, do not fit into the short interstage
  18. Guys, so I'm currently doing something unholy and need suggestions What a good engine would be for the upper stage with 1 smallest ldc tank to fit into small ldc interstage? aj's have bad twr (<1) lr's do not fit that small interstage profile. pic for context: Edit: also need some tips for sea level engines with thrust with approx 550+ kN. Bigger is better. But with 1.5m profile I don't have tantares for those neat staged cycle hypergols.
  19. Is this… like a proton, but with delta cores?! Oh god we have sinned… P.S. If it's not, I think I know what I'm gonna do today …
  20. Nova good, nova cool! Is there any hope for the craft file of, at least this amazing first stage? (wanna hurl mercury to Pluto)
  21. Now THAT'S what I've been waiting x-15 for. We are going to the Moon with this baby. Saturn V is waiting
  22. I'm not asking for it tho. It's just hurts Actually, in russian copy of KSP (downloadable through steam game config) not only strings, but also all textures are localised and quality is suprisingly good ! It came as a suprise for me and acutally motivated me to do localization for NFT suite of mods. It was an amazing feeling! However, string localisation sometimes can cause some nasty behavour with some mods i.e. umbra space industries, which checks for engineer's presense through comparison with hardcoded "engineer" string instead of calling proper method to get localized string.
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