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Everything posted by KeaKaka

  1. Not to necropost, but @DylanSemrau any chance of seeing you return to this? I know you had some stuff in dev and it'd be great to see ingame, this is an awesome mod and it's sad to see it fall by the wayside
  2. Disgusting abomination, I love it I have to ask though, will we get the LK containment cell fairing/LOK adapter that goes inside the main fairing?
  3. Oh there's a second node closer to the base of the nozzle on the engine that allows the OMS to fit correctly The SSMEs are actually correct, iirc it's just that the orbiter is slightly undersized leading to the discrepancy I think Benjee has said elsewhere that he's looking into adjusting the orbiter to it's correct scale but that's something for much later
  4. Make sure you've got the latest version of SOCK installed, the nodes have been adjusted to allow the RMM SSMEs to fit and the OMS engines no longer stick out of the pods
  5. First, I spent a bit too long building an accurate service tower for my Atlas II and III builds Then, I dug up an old mod from 2015 in the name of corporate sponsorship science
  6. It looks like your config is working, it's just not removing the original particle effect before adding the waterfall one Try adding !EFFECTS {} before the waterfall effects in the config, that should remove the old plume so that just the waterfall one shows
  7. Your images have broken links thanks to discord no longer working as a file hosting site, just upload them to something like Imgur; grab the link from there and it should be fine
  8. That'd be this: Pretty sure it's currently being maintained by @dangaffa
  9. Along with the revamp to the Soyuz rocket, might we also see a revamp of the Vostok Blok-E upper stage? It's painfully outdated compared to the rest of the current part set
  10. Blok-D is looking great, same with the new Soyuz parts! I gotta ask though, will we get a purpose built interstage for Blok-D? It's kind of hard to replicate the strange size changes it has with fairings at the moment and would absolutely be used for totally normal and definitely intended things if added
  11. Welcome to the forums (!), could you describe specifically what you need help with in regards to the fairing? Any screenshots would be helpful as well
  12. I believe ballisticfox has said it elsewhere, apparently it's because the codec (?) used for compressing the files isn't supported by the windows file explorer zip extractor however it is supported by 7zip
  13. Yeah it got depreciated when the Progress revamp happened a couple of updates ago
  14. Read above, the mod author has taken it down to prevent conflicts when combining this with another mod they're working on, although a download is still available through the Internet Archive which is also linked above EDIT: oop, new page, "above" now means previous page
  15. This thread is under KSP 1 Mod Development, therefore it's for KSP 1 The download details are clearly explained in the OP so just go back there and you should find them
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