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Everything posted by KeaKaka

  1. I'm pretty sure the Apollo direct ascent lander was going to be heavier than the CM/LM combo that flew, which would have influenced LV dev even more.
  2. @Beale Some info on an Almaz based space missile if you're interested: http://www.russianspaceweb.com/almaz-shield2.html
  3. Currently speedrunning an (large) assignment before school starts. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  4. I'm not sure about the engines, but the service module appears to be a NFEX probe bus amalgamation.
  5. Compared to the shuttle, starship has much less aerodynamic capability, and whereas the shuttle was designed to glide, starship is designed to "fall in style".
  6. The Gemini OAMS thrusters do actually display a plume, you just have to run them for ~10 seconds before it starts displaying, same issue with the Agena SPS. I think it's something to do with the Waterfall plume throttle-up effect. Haven't tested the Centaur mount though. Which one? The Centaur D mount or the Centaur III one?
  7. The upper work limit has been increased to 320 and the lower world limit has been extended down to -64.
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