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Everything posted by RoninFrog

  1. When you crash, holding F5 will let you retry.
  2. If 3000 hours is "rookie numbers", then I would be firmly in the category of "NOOB". Edit: You should really add a poll. It would be interesting.
  3. There really isn't anything wrong with Thuds. They just aren't as efficient as other engines. I think you may be confusing it with the Puff.
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20161225235749/http://ksp.freeiz.com/ Edit: It's apparently outdated, so use at your own risk.
  5. I've ripped them off once. It was while testing an Eve lander that was supposed to use a combination of thrust and drogues to land. I decelerated to a point where the drogues could deploy, then I shut off my engines. The fuel-laden lander plummeted and accelerated and then all the chutes went poof. A few seconds later, the lander went poof. If you are solely relying on chutes to land then it shouldn't be a problem, though.
  6. I find it funny that more people have explored Duna than orbited Kerbol. Just think about that for a minute.
  7. Someone was recently asking for more places to make hanging bases other than the <secret easter egg> and the <other secret easter egg>. Well...
  8. There's been a long stretch of failed Eve lander testing recently, as is usual in career mode. Eventually, I just scrapped the whole Eve plan when I realized I would get less funds than Gilly. So to Gilly Jeb will go! Gilly:
  9. Hmmm. Nope. Is @Whackjob still here?
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