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Everything posted by RoninFrog

  1. It's better to get a lower Pe right off, that way you can blast through a lot of the SOI at escape velocity and it won't have time to accelerate you as much. P.S. I hope you mean "Kerbin to Moho" because if you try to get a 50km Kerbin orbit, you will get a nasty surprise instead...
  2. Oh dear. My closest is now less than 100m, although I can't be sure how close it was, the other craft went by so fast. I had a base in the Mun canyon, and I refueled an LF tanker and a spaceplane there. Pictured here: I launched them both to a prograde (or so I thought) 7km orbit (as low as I deem safe) within a few minutes of each other. Only, there's something a little fishy about the spaceplane's NavBall here: All I saw was a huge white blur zip really close and the distance marker went into the double digits. I just hate how the red 'N' marker is actually on the southern side of the NavBall.
  3. I successfully claimed Minmus for all Kerbalkind by landing a rover, building a base, and docking a spaceplane: And then I sent an army off to conquer the Duna system. Multi-module bases are sometimes a real pain this way.
  4. I'm not sure it would be very comforting to have a whole bunch of dead kerbals lying around the ground with their helmets smashed.
  5. This looks interesting, but I have a couple issues. 1. There should probably be a part count limit. Maybe a 10-part maximum to prevent dozens of mega-modules from murdering lower-end laptops. 2. I think the modules should be Stock Parts Only to enable everybody to contribute.
  6. Uh oh. It's the moderator team. Gotta disrupt the chain! @HansonKerman, help!
  7. *Kills Jeb on first launch without reverts* *Goes and edits save file* Yup, I've done that more times than I would like to admit.
  8. I delivered a load of 20 kerbals to my new ISRU Mun base in the canyon with an LF-only single stage shuttle! Thanks to @Hotel26 for helping refine the shuttle design!
  9. This would be an awesome way to do the "Chaos is a Ladder" challenge!
  10. Scouting for a good, flat spot for a Mun base, I never realized this part of the Mun even existed.
  11. 9/10 HansonKerman is nearly omnipresent.
  12. Big spaceships? Here you go. Not quite CPU-bogglingly big, but it's still enough to slow the game down measurably. It's been to a lot of places, all in one launch. Here are some examples. Tylo: Moho (Mohole, more precisely): Eeloo (It's still there right now): ...and it's also been to Duna unintentionally a couple times...
  13. I think it was @Laie who did something like this with like a thousand maneuver nodes. Let's see if he has any advice.
  14. I did too until I had to drive over 300 km at 6 m/s to get Jeb to a rescue vehicle that overshot. And then the rescue vehicle couldn't make orbit. I also like driving huge rovers on Duna at insane speeds. You can get some serious air in the low gravity.
  15. I've lately been working with @Hotel26 on designing Whiplash-Nerv powered SSTOs. Here's the latest SSTO tech on my part, the Ramses I S1. 45 tons, and carries 20 kerbals to orbit. Thundering down the runway! 45 tons doesn't offer much resistance agains 3 Whiplashes! The Whiplashes are really starting to open up now! Engage the Nervs! Pushing that Ap out at 2 g's! Speeding upwards at 31km! The whiplashes died back around 25km. Almost to space! Orbit! When you have more wingspan than length, reentry is very controllable. Didn't quite make it. Fortunately, there's still more fuel in the tanks! A nice, calm, first-try landing. No supersonic dives straight down from 13km, and no sudden swerving at 1300 m/s.
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