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Everything posted by RoninFrog

  1. Oh, goodie! Yes, this will change the course of humanity's history for the better. Will we take it? Most definitely. Will you return later? Most definitely not. This plan is radical and brutal, and something I probably wouldn't do in real life. I mean business. I do not trust the aliens whatsoever. This is gonna end like War of the Worlds, but we are not going to be the losers. Here's the grand plan: Pretend to be friendly. Learn how to fly their starship. Learn how to get to their home world. Meanwhile, engineer a killer virus targeting all forms of alien life. We also need the vaccine. Take a few of the least threatening aliens prisoner and put them in hazmat suits. Then, spray that virus everywhere like pesticide, making sure to infect all of the aliens. Once they're all dead, load up their ships with short-ranged nuclear missles, tanks of the virus, quite a bit of the vaccine, lots of guns, and soldiers. Oh, and bring those prisoners along. Alien world, prepare to die. After traveling to their planet, put all the warheads into orbits that distribute them evenly over the entire planet. Then, land in a populated city on the planet. As their planet is a supposedly warless utopia, they probably haven't extensively developed weapons. But if there is resistance, there are ways of extinguishing it. As soon as the ship touches down, begin spraying the virus everywhere. Shoot everything that moves. Make sure those prisoners see everything that is happening. Kill all the aliens in the city. We need to make it clear to the prisoners that we mean to destroy the whole planet. They get to pick a certain part of the planet to survive in exchange for their cooperation. These aliens will have no immune system or defense against the virus, so it should be spreading like wildfire across the planet. Administer the vaccine to all the aliens in the chosen area of the planet. Then, let the virus to the rest of the work. All the aliens on the planet will die except for in a certain part of the planet. If those aliens pull anything funny, there are ways of quickly dealing with them. Now, it is time to do some science. We want their technology. We have to transmit all the information there is back to earth. This could take a while. Those prisoners are going to help us. Once we have learned how all of their advanced technology works, we leave the planet. Those aliens are going to be really mad and will likely try to destroy earth. Dealing with that is simple. Once we reach a safe distance from their planet, we detonate all of the nuclear warheads, not killing the aliens, but causing a massive global EMP frying all of their power grids and intricate electronics, sending them back to the stone age. Humans are the apex predators and I mean to keep it that way.
  2. Reading through the log, it seems to be having trouble loading the following mods: Kopernicus Kerbal Health SCANsat Texture Replacer Persistent Trails Kerbal Alarm Clock 'ODScenarioModule' Couldn't figure out this one Snacks
  3. Are you using Breaking Ground blades? Breaking ground helicopter blades have an offset center of mass so they resist centrifugal force a lot better than elevons and fins.
  4. Granted. You get a sandwich. I wish my wish doesn't get granted. Edit: Ahem. I was addressing @Dirkidirk. Sorry, man, your wish didn't come true.
  5. Are you putting the decouplers on in 4-symmetry?
  6. I suddenly want to send thousands of exploration probes out into the depths of space and start reading the KSP source code.
  7. It would have the little colored circle that all the other planets have, just not the trajectory. People would know where it is, but they wouldn't know where it will be in the future.
  8. Nope! Worst I've done is busted a nose cone! TUBM is @GRS
  9. No idea what you are even saying. TUBM is @GRS!!!!
  10. It's been a while, but the next leg is long. Part 6: Bop to Kerbin Fueling was grueling in 10% ore, but I got 'er done eventually. Now let's get back to Kerbin! Engines at full throttle: My method of interplanetary travel is to just go for it and then worry about launch windows. I was definitely not going to get a Kerbin encounter out of this, but I had a pretty good Eve window. So I did a gravity assist (purple trajectory -> green trajectory). Hello, Eve. You aren't going to eat me this time. And another gravity assist a year-and-a-half later: After such a long journey around strangely colored planets, the kerbals were thrilled to see the brilliant red of Kerbin's oceans and... why did I say "red"? JEB!!!!!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!? Here's what happened. I was in a bit of a dilemma. After the second gravity assist, I was in an orbit of Kerbol with the same orbital period as Kerbin, but in a completely different orbit, meaning I would not come close to Kerbin for decades. I only had about 3100 m/s dV, so if I burned to get an encounter, I wouldn't be able to land on the Mun and refuel. But not all hope was lost! In about 6 months I had a good Duna intercept, with a gap less than 1000 km. All that was needed was a 300 m/s burn to get an encounter. Duna has weak gravity, so landing is easy. It also has an atmosphere, so aerobraking is possible. If I refuel on Duna, I will have more than enough fuel to get a good Kerbin encounter. What can go wrong? Just a quick note, the reason my tenses are so strange is I'm writing this in segments while I'm doing it. Jeb, are you sure about this? That is a lot of heat bars... I was definitely not as confident about this whole thing as the kerbals were. And the survey scanner says... Ore on Duna is decent, good at the poles. I'm going to shoot for that red patch in the canyon there. Based on the Narrow Band, I estimate it's at least 14%. Hey, look at that! That's the first good ore I've seen in a long while! And, uh, Jeb, let's try not to cut it so close on the dV next time. Congratulations, Jeb! You planted the flag well this time! I guess this leg should be called "Part 6: Bop to Duna". Maybe I should think about transfer windows next time.
  11. If the Space Hotel is an SSTO itself, can the transport be a rover that docks to the hotel on the surface of Kerbin?
  12. This thread will never L-Eve! Until the moderators close it 'cause it's getting really, rilly, gilly off-topic.
  13. Nope. I don't have Breaking Ground. TUBM is @GRS. It has started...
  14. Indeed. A very short, wide cylinder.
  15. There are blue numbers in the staging menu with the amount of delta-V for each stage.
  16. Granted. I launch my failed Eve return vehicle. I wish for bigger stock fuel tanks.
  17. You may get your wish. I cannot for the life of me get a Kerbin intercept, but I can get a Duna intercept for only 300 m/s...
  18. Ever notice how you land in the grasslands to the west when launching straight up from the KSC? Same reason you can't rande-how's-it-spelled with a geosynchronous satellite by going straight up. In one day, both Kerbin and the satellite go around 360°, but the satellite covers a lot more distance than Kerbin's surface.
  19. *cough* Colored Lights *cough* Am I coming down with Covid?
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