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Everything posted by RoninFrog

  1. Modules prepared for Duna: Getting 2 more kerbals:
  2. I noticed an ancient thread waaay back from 2015 which appears to be making use of docking port power. There is a pickup truck powered by various things, and one of them is a "Warp Drive" made of 3 docking ports.
  3. Peter and base segment set out for Minmus:
  4. Return trajectory for "Biome Diversity" and "Early Mission Prestige":
  5. Peter return to LKO: Crew return:
  6. *smash* Houston, we have a slight problem.
  7. Booster and Shuttle return: Another Minmus fuel run:
  8. Payload Design Session: Payload deploying:
  9. There are two things here that I don't understand completely. Do 50% of the colonists have to have their own seat in a basic rover, or can they share the same seat? For example, if I have 30 kerbals at my base, do I need 15 rover seats or just a couple? Do the half the colonists have to have access to a basic rover for the entirety of their time on Duna, or do they just have to have access to one at some point in their mission? For example, could I send the colonists a rover at the last launch window and still qualify?
  10. Station delivery to Minmus: Brand new crew shuttle:
  11. Surface sample collection: Station & Space Bus launch:
  12. Yeah. When I first got the comet it was 10.4 kilotons, and when I finally put it in LKO at 0% ore, it was still 10.4 kilotons.
  13. It's actually not as exciting as it looks from Kerbin. The sky is definitely blue, but the ion stream doesn't have much of an effect on the color of the ground. The dust clouds are noticeable and move rapidly across the surface, but don't look as thick on the surface as they look from space. The EVA report, however, is apt.
  14. For a mining ship, it's better to go with smaller fuel tanks since the mass of the comet doesn't decrease when mining it. It gives slightly more dV and TWR, but with the downside that it has to refuel more often. ...but when using brute force on a 0% ore comet, just go all out.
  15. The view certainly isn't what I was expecting; I'm not sure if it's better or worse. The trail is a lot wider than I thought it would be, meaning that it is much, much more bigger and brighter during the night, but it is more spread out which makes it more of a faint cloud than a bright streak during the day. It's more like living in a dust cloud than a sandblaster. The blue ion does some pretty awesome things when it hits the Mun, and it also makes a cool blue ambience at night when the KSC is in its path. The only real downside is that the trail pretty much destroys my framerate when the comet is close.
  16. The World Firsts contracts autocomplete even if they aren't accepted or even offered. You shouldn't have to go to Eve to do Mun and Minmus missions.
  17. I have only one texture mod: Restock. The base game is great on its own, and in my opinion, adding dozens of mods doesn't make it better. The only things lacking are high quality part textures and atmospheric enhancements (EVE, scatterer). But my computer is somewhat limited on RAM, so I only have Restock for parts and take framerate over graphics for EVE and scatterer.
  18. I did the Apollo mission in miniature! Tiny moon, tiny lander, and even tiny flag! Zoomed out a bit: Here's Jeb next to the lander for scale:
  19. Often. Very often. Exiting timewarp shreds the whole thing about 70% of the time. Loading a quicksave shreds everything about 10% of the time. Here is an example of a kraken log upon exiting timewarp: Additionally, if you don't autostrut almost everything to "Heaviest part", upon grabbing the whole thing will have siezures and pool-noodle itself into spaghetti. Some more exotic krakens include claws flipping around backwards (do not try clicking release) and comets occasionally being unusually responsive to the slightest jet of engine exhaust. Sometimes even the EVA thrusters can send the comet spinning wildly. You should still go get a comet, though! Here are the Cometron and Sultan craft files if you want them. Hmm. The option didn't appear for me.
  20. I put a comet into LKO! Full report here:
  21. No mods, unedited. The bright cloud in the sky is a comet trail, and the ion stream is turning the Mun blue.
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