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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. Well, in some cases intel is actually better. My Dual-Core i7 Macbook performs much better than my quad-core AMD laptop.
  2. Adventurer 1 lifting off Adventurer 1 lifting off Adventurer 1 lifting off
  3. It's a shame that it only gets 1000 views :p It's a bit underrated, I think.
  4. Maybe you could be the new @Nertea? He said he's retiring from modding soon.
  5. It's been a while since I posted here, and I've started a new save. So far, I have one lifter: Thor "Literally Just a Missile" It's literally just a SRB with a second stage and a payload strapped on top. However, after just 5 launches, it's slowly becoming obsolete, as the K.E.C (Kerbin Exploration Corps) switches focus to manned missions.
  6. Yeah, I've been trying to learn C# too. It turns out it's pretty similar to Javascript.
  7. not really... I wrecked my own computer multiple times. My parents said that the Computer Repair guys said that I wrote an infinite loop and it crashed the computer. lol Also, I flew the first mission in my K.E.C save!
  8. Explorer 1 lifting off Explorer 1 lifting off Explorer 1 flying over the KSC Explorer 1 starting gravity turn Explorer 1 starting gravity turn Explorer 1 stage separation Explorer 1 circularizing Explorer 1 in orbit
  9. Eh, I've been learning how to code since before I could remember. I actually took apart my dad's computer just because, when I was 6. I put it back together, but you know, the windows error screen and all. I mainly know javascript, though I've been trying to learn Unity.
  10. I've been thinking of trying to make a parts mod. I've even thought of a name and logo for it: Sideways Industries "Rockets fly faster sideways. Or at least Jeb says that."
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