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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. Right now the deadzone isn't a major issue. But there's something wrong with the axis 0 endpoints for the ailerons. Pitch and yaw are calibrating full range really well - 100% stick angle gives 100% surface angle. But the ailerons are at full deflection at 0.38 stick position. They're very sensitive.
  2. I'm not 100% sure if it did change now. It's not a mod interaction - tested with this alone. Because it's a cheap joystick (Logitech Extreme 3d pro) with a lot of mechanical slop. It just wobbles a lot around null and the springs don't hold it centered when I rest my hand on it. Every game joystick I've used is like this. The sketch I made is exaggerated though. But besides the deadzone, the ailerons are going to full deflection when I only move the stick halfway. It doesn't seem to calibrate endpoints right either.
  3. Yes. It's not fixed. Also just realized there's another issue/ change. IIRC when tapping the quicksave button, before it simply did a quicksave without a dialog box and I believe it would open the "Quicksave As..." dialog box if you held the quicksave button a few seconds. Now it always gives the quicksave dialog box.
  4. Nothing new, just the cancel button issue already logged: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BetterLoadSaveGame/issues/7
  5. I'll add to this list if I find more: If a save slot is selected, "cancel" button loads the selected file. In one case so far, when loading a quicksave, it shows a thumbnail of one craft but goes to another ship. Ignore - likely due to wrong thumbnail from old version. Seems OK now. Disclaimer - I'm testing with KSP 1.11.2 with many other mods installed. If you can't reproduce these immediately, I'll switch clean install.
  6. I had errors before but I'm trying it again and so far it's working OK on 1.11.2.
  7. OK that's better. The cargo test passed. The refinery was 19,785,800 at launch; 19,785,806 recovered. Close enough! Thanks
  8. Mayday... Recalling is still borking on kerbal cargo parts... but I not sure if it's really The package I downloaded was "KSP-Recall-" but the KSP_Recall.version says: I know it's a beta so I'm not sure. I made a > test craft < exactly 60,000 in VAB with a kerbal in the seat with jetpack and parachute. Recovered 118335. EDIT - ahh man just a little late. I'll try the released one. POST EDIT - now MM has an EXC and TweakScale has a ERR on every part? What did I do... I didn't touch TweakScale. Probably pilot error. Will advise. POST POST EDIT - I cleared the loading errors - reinstalled Recall and TweakScale vOv . Still the same behavior on the test craft above though: launch 60000, recovered 118335. Check that you actually posted the right version. It still says it's build 6.
  9. So, in the screenshots the before and after craft value was the same but the funds in the bank changed by 1 fund. Is that what failed? I think your "customers" will be happy with this result.
  10. AFBW stopped working for me. It was working fine, now the UI works but controls are like stock. When I right click the icon to disable it, it behaves exactly the same. I tried removing it through CKAN, purging, reinstalled - no different. The 2 DLLs are in the KSP root. KSP log player log [LOG 23:21:35.738] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AdvancedFlyByWire' from assembly 'ksp-advanced-flybywire' [ERR 23:21:35.741] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ksp-advanced-flybywire.XmlSerializers, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 23:21:35.741] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ksp-advanced-flybywire.XmlSerializers, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 23:21:35.742] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ksp-advanced-flybywire.XmlSerializers [LOG 23:21:35.745] Exception deserializing C:/KSP/KSP 1.11.2 modded/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire/PluginData\settings.xml, Could not find file "C:\KSP\KSP 1.11.2 modded\GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire\PluginData\settings.xml" [LOG 23:21:35.755] Exception Deserializing: Could not find file "C:\KSP\KSP 1.11.2 modded\GameData\ksp-advanced-flybywire\PluginData\advanced_flybywire_config_v21.xml" [LOG 23:21:35.758] Advanced Fly-By-Wire: Initialized Both of those XML files are where it's looking for them. I've installed a few more mods after AFBW and did a Win10 update a few weeks back. UPDATE: Tested with only ABFW and dependencies and the behavior and log excerpt above are the same. It seems to be feeding the stock control through when the manual deadzone is larger than stock. It initially follows stock then seems to jump back toward center to follow the AFBW curve when it's non-zero. I'm using Linear control. I tried to draw this: input-output response Hope you can help @linuxgurugamer The stock joystick interface is so bad.
  11. I noticed this too in Chrome. e.g. This Look at the ground in the launch photos. Looks like old 16 color EGA. It seems to improve when the album is viewed full-screen though.
  12. Actually the released version is not working all the time - often get the stock load screen. I'll try the beta prob Sat
  13. Well, don't lose sleep over cargo parts. At least it seems the +/- millions is resolved.
  14. With I tested basically the same 3 tests as yesterday. Any you completely flipped the results... case 1 failed and 2 and 3 passed. Cargo parts value is being cancelled, meaning the Refunding is negative the value of the stored cargo. Specifically, an empty SEQ-24 with a command seat on top and a kerbal (no backpack) is 1700 and that works correctly. Adding a weather analyzer should recover 3000 but it's still 1700.
  15. I'm pretty new to KSP mods and C# but I got this simple callback working and I'm just sharing it as an example. It doesn't do anything in the game - just adds entries in the KSP.log using UnityEngine; namespace Callback_Example { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] public class MyTest : MonoBehaviour { private void EnterMapCB() { Debug.Log("Callback Test --- Entering Map view"); } public void Start() { Debug.Log("Callback Test --- Start"); GameEvents.OnMapEntered.Add(EnterMapCB); Debug.Log("Callback Test --- Added map callback"); } public void OnDisable() { Debug.Log("Callback Test --- Disable"); GameEvents.OnMapEntered.Remove(EnterMapCB); //need this or it will fire in the Tracking Station later Debug.Log("Callback Test --- map callback removed"); } } }
  16. I should be able to tomorrow. On Github? I think I'm having a similar problem with a little mod I'm making. I think the button I want it to click doesn't exist yet when the code tries to press it. I might be able to put it in Update. The intro tutorial mentions using a Coroutine (no idea how that works yet).
  17. Issue with Place S3-14400 (root). Put Stayputnik on the end that has the solid black ring. Scale the tank smaller... the Stayputnik moves axially the wrong direction, floating out in space. If it's scaled bigger, the Stayputnik gets hidden inside the tank. However, if you put the probe on the other end of the tank with stripes, then it scales correctly.
  18. I just installed Recall and TweakScale on KSP 1.11.2 with many QoL mods but no other part mods*. The new buttons to disable Refunding and Tweakscale were not touched for testing. First craft test was a simple SEQ-24 filled with cargo - nothing stackable or with anything that has it's own resources (I believe). Confirmed 100% correct funds. (Although KSP did not show the recovery summary because there was no command pod? ) Second test was the notorious Refinery, maybe not exactly the version I uploaded before. In SPH 19785770. Recovered -3731203. "Kerbal 1 Jumbo... Pan Pan Pan." Convert-o-tron value was 8000, same as 1x scale. Drill was 6000 also 1x value. FL-R1 RCS tank value was -459000. Refunding was -34. Third test has 4 variations. All use a S3-14400 tank (root part) and Stayputnik. I noticed in the editor KER did not show "Refunding for KSP111x" like it did before and does when I load the Refinery. 3A: 1x scale tank full fuel. 13300 correct. 3B: 1x scale with no OX: 11874 correct. 3C: 5m tank full fuel: 46782 in editor, recovered 13300. Same as 1x so it's ignoring TweakScale? 3D: 5m tank no OX: 43403 in editor, recovered 9921. Tank value -2667. Refunding value: zero. Less than 1x scale value so I've got no obvious theory. Also found an issue on TweakScale I'll post there. Thanks for your hard work man! *Edit: I lied a little. I do have Simple Fuel Switch installed but didn't use it.
  19. Yeah I figured it was double-counting somehow. With Recall it also spammed the KSP log when loading a ship in the VAB and once when sending a ship to the launch pad from VAB once. It usually worked without error though so I don't have steps to reproduce it. It may have been related to the auto-saved ship. Message (1190 times): I suppose we should enter a KSP bug report too if it's over refunding in stock. I expect it will screw up on the fuel stored in an Oscar tank stored in cargo. I'll get the new version later - RL also calling. Thanks
  20. OK. I'll see what I can do. Another discovery - entering the Tracking Station also triggers the same Map view trigger and then it does give NREs because the button I'm trying to "press" really does not exist in the TS. I don't know why it fired 7 times though.
  21. Umm Huston, we have an over-refunding problem. I sent a rover out at KSC that had a lot of deployable science in cargo. First, it gave errors when I removed a Kerbal's parachute from his PAW inventory slot - screenshot Then when I recovered, it gave me over 160K for a 120K ship. Using latest version. Nothing on the ship was modded. I have TweakScale installed but everything was stock size. KSP 1.11.2. Second test: big rocket in VAB:425792 and recovered 468823... which listed 96607 for Refunding. So that just does not add up at all. This rocket did have a few Tweaked parts.
  22. Ok so I'm trying to toggle the vessel type filter panel at the top of the map view. It's new in KSP 1.11. I wish it would stay open. First I'm just trying to toggle it open every time the map view is entered. I found a trigger for the map view: GameEvents.OnMapEntered.Add(Callback) and the button is pressed with MapViewFiltering.Instance.ToggleFiltersPanel() I believe. A debug.log() message confirms the callback is triggered when map view is entered. But nothing happens with ToggleFiltersPanel. No error or anything. I could further verify that ToggleFiltersPanel is right by checking that it is not in the KSP 1.10 API... but they keep updating the same API documentation link. Did someone archive the old versions? I'm pretty sure I have the right function though. I think there's a execution order issue- it's trying to toggle the filter panel before it's available. I can see the pull-down button is dark gray initially when the map view loads and turns light gray maybe 1/2 second later. The intro tutorial mentions Start() timing may be an issue and suggests a Coroutine (which I'd have to go figure out how it works). Does that sound plausible? Thanks.
  23. So I got the part sorting working . Yay. But I want it to remember another setting in flight. Can I structure the code like: namespace MyMod { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] Class EditorStuff {blah blah} [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] Class FlightStuff {blah blah} } Update: simple test, looks like this works as expected
  24. LGG has not targeted 1.11 so far. Title says "[1.10.*] [KSP 1.9.0] " But still it's strange. It looks like you have the dependencies. I don't know if I can help but post a KSP.log file maybe someone can. Does the old [x] Science on CKAN work for you? I'm using that old one with 1.11. It has a some issues but it works. Careful to not get the 2 folders mixed up if you try this.
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