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Everything posted by Keithv708

  1. @J O N thanks. This was a bit of a challenge to me.
  2. Here is mine https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Qy4vNAkF5bNVjfGzKqoicrEjIuhIqv5/view?usp=sharing
  3. @J O N can we use parts from mk2 expansion be used to it is a stock alike mod. If not that's ok
  4. @Gabu this here https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN should get you going. Hope this helps
  5. That looks great much better than I know I could do. Just take it one foot at a time
  6. I say when it is finished it will be released. Dylansemrau keep up the good work.
  7. what I'm mean is it feels like a tool our application add on.
  8. I think this more of a tool add-on then a say like a part mod. Note this is just what I think though.
  9. By the way ckan was getting flagged as malware by microsoft defender too submitted the ckan exe and the out come was not malware so they removed the detection
  10. Whay apologize for the wait you do this in your spare time but I am glad for the update though. Really life comes first the game comes second. Can not wait to try it when I get off work
  11. @siklidkid for you to get the proper help with the mod the log file's would be a big help look at this link
  12. @siklidkid It worked for me yesterday. By the way you should give more info then does not work with x. Also log file would be nice
  13. Our for the people who have to work the grave yard shift.
  14. I will have to try it when I get home after work
  15. Just Browsing ksp froms while on my break at work

  16. Can not wait to use this mod win I get home from work
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