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    To test is to doubt!
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    Kerbin, 22480 Lanrivain, France
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  1. Saw your comment in Github regarding why we would need a shadow afterall. As they are even not clickable buttons, It could look like this if we discard any button-like appearance.
  2. Thanks for the feeback. I've just made a pull request to propose these new icons
  3. Proposition update for Game Icons (Career & Sandbox)
  4. Wow I must have a bug on my side because last night I was still able to see 0.2.13 on my CKAN, version that conflicts with Deffered. I had to patch the installation of the mod manually.
  5. Hi. Does anyone know if there is a specific reason the 0.2.14 release is not on CKAN?
  6. Wonderful intiative. I was too lazy to start this work, MH and BG killed me after monthes of work. Cheers guys, I am enthusiastic to use your mod. I am personaly interested in Engine plate recolor so they match the color of the nozzlesof engines.
  7. Hi @_Zee hope you're doing well. I saw there are 4 pull requests on your mod on Github. Regarding KSP2 being dead now, do you consider accepting them or you do consider the mod is finished? I made 2 files for Shared Assets & Stowaway Benjee's mods (one can test them from my Github) but no PR yet; so let me know what are your thoughts regarding your mod which have been a basis of my gameplay for 3 years.
  8. Excellent point, I have to test them in a 1920x1200 100% UI configuration. Last proposal : I don't like the last one, I can't figure out a simple concept that I can illustrate with one only object/symbol.
  9. Hi everyone. After months not playing KSP1 I've been back to business I think A6/FM1 was an incentive after all. Thank god she took off, we can finally move forward here on the european's spaceport. Of course I am playing with ZTheme and a year later when I gave a very modest hand I have fresh eyes on the subject. Here are my thoughts, complains and sometimes suggestions. I try to being as constructive as possible, I apologize if my comments are a bit blunt. I'm not a native English speaker and I don't always know how to present criticism properly. These should be considered as a few remarks regarding an astonishing and enormous work provided bu the author! 1- Navball Main Marker This is by far the most annoying point to me because it has a huge impact on my gameplay. The current shape of the marker is To understand my issue you will have to watch a few seconds of the following video of a RDV tutorial I made : As you can see when I perform a RDV, I make some refinements of my trajectory so that I always end up close to my target. The lines of the main marker are a strong help to help with performing these actions. But they can only help if there are aligned with the center of the marker. So in my games I have updated the icon with this one : It is possible that I'll end up with thiner lines and a smaller central point. 2- Navball Green and Red zones Given the general flat design of the theme, outlines are not very cohesive. I have currently no proposal to make, I started to rework the whole thing with Inkscape but there is a lot of work to be done. 3- Reputation in career mode I think there is too many information here. I have started the design of a cleaner image, not satisfying to my taste at this point. This is way too simple, the 100 indications have to be present in some way. But beyong being good looking, this image is not very critical for gameplay purposes, we really don't care that much to our reputation when playing in Career mode. 4- Exit Icons A few icons still have a red outline. Outlines IMHO are not welcome in this theme. They currently are, I am playing with 5- Altitude I don't know whether we need shadows on the white lines. Existing my file 6- Game Icons (This is my fault, they are my work) We don't see them that much so they are far from being an issue. But if we follow through with the approach, we should get rid off as many as outlines as possible. Existing is Could be something lighter like . Work in progress. Feel free to comment on the proposals and start a dialogue here ! All my work is available at https://github.com/OnlyLightMatters/SrcZTheme
  10. It seems we will never see the blue stripes on A6's ESR (P120C) - and this is not surprising. https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E22AQG84iL2rYcqpg/feedshare-shrink_2048_1536/0/1710927166711?e=1714003200&v=beta&t=QtQh9OT8lLcskRqanuDlJB-wuqHFh2UYVJt57mccajE https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E22AQFAUQ7E_kgPXQ/feedshare-shrink_1280/0/1710927148686?e=1714003200&v=beta&t=Psv-_Rm11YHSf9Mcpy1Nb-S5sm-bl99-gVpZE-63y7k
  11. I was very interested by this mod but I am a bit disappointed by the ISPs retained for Vulcain and Vinci engines which are not consistent with LF/LOX propulsion but rather solid boosters. A 3,75m A6 rocket is maybe too big for the stock game. Same issue with the Knes mod though, plus with insane ISPs for some monoprop engines.
  12. Not exactly playing KSP1 but preparing a new flag for my games. Old CNES flag: Reviving this oldie:
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