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Kerminator K-100

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Everything posted by Kerminator K-100

  1. But what about the other dire- WAIT!!! What if the new Director is a robot, or a probe core OR what if they are all in a computer simulation! ITS THE MATRIX IN KSP!!!! But he could be a robot, I mean, look at my username and in my career thread I am the director and what if they we are conspiring to DESTROY THE KERBALS!! AND THE WORLD!! Yeah we're definitely overthinking it Also poor Mort. Actually screw him. Stupid penny pinching accountants always declining my huge launches. Hmmm, you've given me an idea for how to get rid of them.
  2. I'm doing something like this, with my career game, and I installed BARIS, Kerbal Health, and Snacks for all the various mistakes and explosions then documenting it as a story. To limit myself even more, I'm only allowed to take screenshots from the ground or the inside of the capsule or the side of the rocket (one exception is that if I launch a small camera or am on EVA I can take a shot). That way it adds realism. Its been a few days and I'm cursing myself for getting myself into this.
  3. Banned for advertising your planet pack
  4. @Stamp20Banned for being crazy about grammer (Auto correct won't let me put what I actually want to say!). @Commodoregamer118 banned for tagging someone
  5. Submitting a lab report for physics but getting sidetracked by this thread. (Ooh! Another notification! I should see whats happening! Oh, more memes)
  6. I guess so? Never heard of it. EDIT: Oh wait, I meant @GuessingEveryDay
  7. FIRST LEG - "Wait boat mode is faster than rovering! Switching routes!" It seemed like this was doomed at first because the rover wasn't powerful enough to go up any slope steeper than 8 degrees. But then I remembered that the rover was amphibious. So I think a map change is in order. LEG ONE MAP: The brave kerbonauts started about an hour after noon from the KSC (Jeb and Bill had eaten too much lunch) They had eaten so much that Val had to plant the first flag. Val climbed back in and they began their drive. For the first bit the driving was easy and the view great Soon they left the coast behind and moved slightly inland for easier slopes The humidity cleared up slightly and the kerbals could see the mountains in the distance The rover than drove into a spot that Bob decided to call the wrinkles The highest point on this leg: Getting kind of treacherous here. Jeb claims he can see a tree in the distance. "I was right" - Jeb. A quick break to plant the flag and look at the tree. Jeb wanted to go swimming but the beach was too far away. The Kerbals moved on into this valley. "Jeb, aerial footage shows a city right here!" - Val "No cities here." - Jeb Passing through the edges of the "city", the crew saw another tree! "They seem to be following us" - Bob The crew declined to take a closer look and moved on. They soon came to a small cove and decided to stop before crossing the water (to test the boat mode capabilities) Jeb had a quick existential crisis but moved on quickly to go swimming. Jeb ran back and drove into the water The crew (and me) realized that the water was slightly slower but allowed for time warp up to 4X! (Yay! My sanity!) The sun was setting so the crew decided to stop for the day. Jeb swam ashore to plant the flag But before he got back in he decided to do some underwater exploration "Looks like there is a lot of water" - Jeb The crew shut down the rover, ate some snacks, and decided to turn in for the night. END OF LEG 1 For the sake of my sanity, I am going to finish this over the water (You can time warp in the water!) and will only do this for one hour max per day. (Any more and I start going crazy) Leg 2 Index
  8. @adsii1970 Banned for not giving me a reason @Kane Kerman banned for beating me to it!
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