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Everything posted by JoshTheKerbal

  1. So I landed on Tylo and after I decoupled the boosters, they crashed, and when I quicksaved, I got this. [EXC 07:41:41.892] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartModule.get_HasAdjusters () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) PartModule.Save (ConfigNode node) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) ProtoPartModuleSnapshot..ctor (PartModule module) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) ProtoPartSnapshot..ctor (Part PartRef, ProtoVessel protoVessel, System.Boolean preCreate) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) ProtoPartSnapshot..ctor (Part PartRef, ProtoVessel protoVessel) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) ProtoVessel..ctor (Vessel VesselRef, System.Boolean preCreate) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) ProtoVessel..ctor (Vessel VesselRef) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) Vessel.BackupVessel () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) FlightState..ctor () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) Game.Updated () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) QuickSaveLoad.doSave (System.String filename, System.String screenMsg) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) QuickSaveLoad.quickSave (System.Boolean saveAs) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) QuickSaveLoad.Update () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) Full Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YEWp8dCvN1tunGJZmXbr-LYTbUwxbR4h/view?usp=sharing ModList:
  2. How to replicate: Sporadic, try to put 3 vectors on a 2.5m tri-adapter, this is on a starship replica.
  3. Well there's a space between Delta and IV... Because Kopernicus (and planet mods in general) are unstable on 1.10.1
  4. My suggestions for future releases: Probes: Mariner 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 Pioneer 10, 11, 12, 13 Voyager 1, 2 Galileo Cassini Rockets: Delta IV (with compatible fairing for 1.10.0 plz) Also plz fix fairings for the rest. Well sh- I will make new parts then
  5. Simplified: Exception: FSM Error: Bla bla bla KSP Version 1.10.0 Full Error: [EXC 11:12:32.373] Exception: FSM Error: Cannot switch states before starting. Please call StartFSM() before running the FSM. KerbalFSM.RunEvent (KFSMEvent evt) (at <c168e21ec56346b082f89043e76162e1>:0) ModuleProceduralFairing.onEditorPartEvent (ConstructionEventType evt, Part p) (at <c168e21ec56346b082f89043e76162e1>:0) EventData`2[T,U].Fire (T data0, U data1) (at <c168e21ec56346b082f89043e76162e1>:0) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) EventData`2:Fire(ConstructionEventType, Part) EditorLogic:<SetupFSM>b__195_29() KerbalFSM:RunEvent(KFSMEvent) KerbalFSM:updateFSM(KFSMUpdateMode) KerbalFSM:UpdateFSM() EditorLogic:Update()
  6. Send me Apollo 11 cinematics! if you send one quote me here.
  7. Please Submit your KSP Apollo 11 video...

  8. Send your videos, don't only like this post...
  9. IMPORTANT Tomorrow is July 20, which is the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. To commemorate this achievement, I am teaming up with different users to make an Apollo 11 Movie. My Channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8dEodmwiqSlQTMNE3ovx3A. SEND YOUR APOLLO 11 VIDEOS HERE!
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