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Everything posted by Bellabong

  1. Was just about to ask you if there's ever going to be an F1B so I can throw in an RF config for it...
  2. It was possible to orbit because it only takes around 3000dV at stock scale kerbin to orbit. At 3.2x scale for example you're looking at around 6000dV for LKO and 8000 for Geosync/LMO. BDB has many small probes that can be launched by the smaller rockets on the T1 pad into orbits from T1 and as shown above both stock and RF would struggle to put the Mk1 into orbit at the scale RF is designed for with an 18T limit. So yes while at stock scale putting a Mk1 into orbit at T0 is a basic achievement putting almost 2tons into orbit at proper scale requires quite a hefty rocket. Like I mentioned, the real-life analogues that could carry that much into orbit are considerably heavier than the T1 launchpad limit.
  3. I'm struggling to think of the need to make a needs realfuels stockengines instead of a needs realfuels in the first place plus FOR AFTER etc. shouldn't be affected unless you have something patching after the catch-alls. On the earlier discussion - should one really have the ability to put a 1.7 ton capsule into a full orbit at T0 with a T1 launchpad? The BDB Mercury for example comes to around 1.2 and needs a T1 Atlas for orbit at stockalike scale and that is nowhere near the T1 launchpad limit.
  4. My Moho transfer window is in 17 days >.> When this is done doesn't that complete the Mariner->Voyager line-up when combined with Coatl? Pretty nice milestone
  5. You're right, RF's catch-alls don't catch the LqdHydrogen-Oxidizer tanks from reDirect. This should hold you over until there is an "official" patch. (It's the patch that's used for the BDB LqdHydrogen/Oxidizer tanks but that's only applied to Bluedog parts). If you have more mods that have that kind of resource setup feel free to change the [DIRECT*] to just [*]. @PART[DIRECT*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen],@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!RESOURCE[Ore],!MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]]:BEFORE[zRealFuels_StockEngines] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = #$/RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ @volume *= 5 @volume += #$/RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/maxAmount$ type = BalloonCryo basemass = -1 } !RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} } Kerbalism and fuel cells can be tricky, any "stock" fuel cells (aka moduleresourceconverter) will not run properly in the background. Life support resources are supported but RF doesn't "add" any extra lifesupport resources to any tanks for Kerbalism; if TacLifeSupport is present RF will add some life support resources to any command module that happens to have monopropellant but that's about it. (From my experience though the prescence of Kerbalism also seems to "proc" TacLifeSupport patches of various mods so if you see any parts that have empty Waste, wasteWater and CarbonDioxide tanks that's actually a TAC patch doing its work since Kerbalism doesn't add any resources apart from Food, Water and Nitrogen.)
  6. Apart from slightly edited AVP and its dependencies I've got some modified Magpie TU configs as well as Engine Lighting and Planetshine being the other major things in the SS. Not sure if a craft file or subassembly would translate well - combination of Kerbalism and Realfuels as well as various other mods drastically change what craft file from me would look like from stock. I got the plans from https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/51 and https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/23 and ofc the Atlas at https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/Atlas. Launch towers are the miniCrew elevator tower and the Atlas Agena launch stand/tower.
  7. Well yeah, the Kerbol system is around 1/10 of Solar System with the size of the actual parts and rockets and timescale being 1/4.
  8. You'd probably have to ask TU for that
  9. Well with a bit of autostrutting she flies! Time for Bob to spend a month in better conditions than the upcoming Leo
  10. It should just work like every other Kerbalism experiment, it has a patch. bd_camera becomes a 1.5 hour experiment. Zufar, Cassevid and Eastkan cameras should have this experiment as well and if you have Coatl the Mk4 camera should have it as well. Could probably poke the devs to change it into a sample based experiment with the higher tier cameras having more sample capacity. The current Kerbalism science patches are missing the following things from BDB1.7 (not like they should be supported yet, BDB 1.7 is in dev) - Dealing with Geiger Counters - while all the probe cores do get access to Kerbalisms unmanned experiments and thus their geiger counter only the deprecated Explorer 1 probe is patched specifically with the Kerbalism Geiger Counter - Hard Drives - All the new probe cores need their own Hard Drive defs especially later probes. - Lab patches are outdated - The following experiments are undefined aka use stock science: bd_weather, bd_bioexp, bd_ionelec, bd_mapping, bd_gamma, bd_IRradiometer, bd_microwaveSpec, bd_Photometer, bd_radarAltimeter, bd_solarWind, bd_solarWind, bd_TVcamera(Is there a BDB part that uses this?), bd_UVScope and bd_XrayImging. I have a Kerbalism config for BDB 1.7 if you want it but needs some serious balancing to balance out EC rates especially - Science values are balanced against the value of similar experiments in other support configs and the Xray/UV Telescopes are balanced against Kerbalisms stock IR Telescope. It also has weather support for 100 years - I quite like the idea of a bunch of Tiros Satellites generating a minuscule amount of science every day.
  11. It was designated FX-153 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19690014791.pdf Would have been a thing had they had more time to meet the performance requirements. Looking at these studies being based on the RL10A I may need to update when the Methaflox engine is unlocked
  12. It is, it's the decoupler/parachute part that connects Soyuz Orbital module and landing capsule
  13. it's a lot of work to have 4 letters on the bottom left be the right letters Do the folks at BDB have a name suggestion for the Methalox RL10?
  14. So RealFuels BDB configs are done. Or at least nothing seems broken. Have a gander until it's merged with the main RealFuels-StockEngines mod. https://github.com/Bellabong/RealFuels-Stock/releases/tag/v0.1.7.3
  15. And they're done. Well, nothing is broken and I've made workarounds for the meshswitching until B9PartSwitch gets an update. Engine tech levels need some balancing probably.
  16. There is literally only one part that's "broken" when it comes to RF (the most flexible) at least and that's the Thor/Delta tank extensions. No need to rip out a feature that helps BDB conserve on part count. EDIT: In your case it'd be better to just add your fuel type to B9 tank configs and then patch that config into BDB parts. B9_TANK_TYPE { name = sstoLPG title = tankMass = tankCost = RESOURCE { name = LPG unitsPerVolume = } RESOURCE { name = LqdOxygen unitsPerVolume = } } @PART[bluedog*,Bluedog*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]]]:NEEDS[SSTO-Project,B9PartSwitch,Bluedog_DB]:AFTER[Bluedog_DB_1] { @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]] { SUBTYPE { name = LPG tankType = sstoLPG addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$ @addedMass *= -1 addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$ @addedCost *= -1 percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$ } } } And suddenly your mod is the one that is compatible, not B9 or BDB being incompatible. If you have a resource only defined in your mod you can't expect other mods to rip out core features so it's compatible with your mod.
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