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  1. i just got this "Make a new empty GameObject with KSP part tools at the location of the thrust transform this will be the new 0,0,0 x,y,zparent origin for the particle effect. Make sure that the new empty object is facing in the exact same orientation as the thrust transform with Z+ pointing in the desired direction of thrust" from a website its said how to make custom effects for engines in unity i thought it might work with your thing if you want the website where i got it from here http://www.eskandare.com/blogs.html it might work for your thing idk
  2. i still havent learnt how to make configs for waterfalli made one but the plume was above the engine lmfao
  3. Make a new empty GameObject with KSP part tools at the location of the thrust transform this will be the new 0,0,0 x,y,zparent origin for the particle effect. Make sure that the new empty object is facing in the exact same orientation as the thrust transform with Z+ pointing in the desired direction of thrust
  4. its been a while since i used this forum and i forgot xd
  5. so i have restock and i was wondering if i could just have config for one engine the panther and delete others it that possible?
  6. help the craft files are not there help the craft files are not there
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