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Everything posted by golkaidakhaana

  1. Sorry , it was a talking heads reference ... perhaps a little too obscure .
  2. Those parts are getting revamped soon , I'm willing to bet this issue (whether or not it is intentional) will be rectified in due time .
  3. How strange. I'm not sure what to suggest , other than don't use the affected parachutes for the time being .
  4. This was fixed a long time ago. Are you installing the right version?
  5. I honestly don't see what you're complaining about , I have had no problems using the new Gemini and actually prefer it to the old one . Add more thrusters , make your own config or learn how to use realistic Gemini I guess .
  6. @Beale I love it, outstanding work as ever ! Would it be possible to include Snacks compatibility ?
  7. I've also had issues with the AJ10 not being present in benjee10sharedassets. It seems the reDIRECT dev branch has the AJ10 though .
  8. Why don't you test it? Nothing much has changed between 1.7.x and the latest version, so you could just use an older version.
  9. No worries. Sounds good to me. When you do get around to doing them though, any possibility of implementing functionality for Nertea's decaying RTGs patch?
  10. I'm using the latest version in 1.8.1 and it works fine with no issues.
  11. Perhaps the early Ariane 5 concept with 4 LFO boosters, and perhaps a BDB Centaur upper stage for extra oomph, though I'm just guessing. Nertea's restock and NFex have pretty good probe parts and a range of lander leg sizes, they fit pretty well with Knes.
  12. Lovely work, any possibility for a variant of the new(ish) Delta boattail with a green or white end, for use with the green Delta III? The current blue scheme looks kind of odd when used with the green tanks. Also I would just like to ask , whatever happened to the RTG for Nimbus? Is it still planned?
  13. The parts haven't even been textured yet, have some patience.
  14. That's even further from anything Well has experience in. Ask in the respective thread and perhaps someone wil a lot more time on their hands would be willing to update the mod.
  15. There look to be more than a few parts with huge detailed IVAs, and they all appear to be manned lander concepts, which Well has no experience in making as far as I know. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to ask for someone to adopt the mod in its respective thread, as opposed to derailing this thread.
  16. That looks as though it'd be a huge undertaking, I highly doubt anyone would decide to adopt a mod of that scale at someone's mere request. It's also nothing like anything Well has made in the past.
  17. Why does it seem as if everyone is obsessed with craft files for Tantares? Isn't it more fun trying to make your own crafts?
  18. Understandable . As far as I know most mods that used Firespitter have begun using B9PS instead , I suppose it has more funcionality . Oh joyous day ! Please work as slowly as need be , I fully understand how much life can get in the way of things .
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