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Everything posted by chris-kerbal

  1. Yeah it does a generic conversion. I thought more of specific thing like the Quest Pod. However I see that Benjee just removed the whole attach without tools thing. @benjee10 Wouldn't it be an Idea to put a docking port configuration on the rack and pod?
  2. Great to see an update! I could not see a patch for backwards compatibility, that would allow further use of this version in <=1.10 versions with KIS. Or am I missing something? Wrote a patch to add forward compatibility and could just change that? Also will take a look on the volumes. I converted them just 1:1...
  3. I have a problem with overweight Kerbals in 1.11... When having a mission to rescue a Kerbal from the surface of e.g. moon, the Kerbal has 10.000sth units of food, oxygen, water, etc. !? With all of that, it survives of course for a lot of time, however e.g. RCS won't be able to lift him off the surface. I need to cheat down gravity to have him move at least a bit. I suspect Kerbalism, as it is my only mod with life support/food. Is there a way of debugging to see how this came to place?
  4. Sorry, I think the quote system messed up. I meant to ask for the Inventory stuff.
  5. If you look at the URL, it is just written twice... EDIT: Here corrected: https://github.com/pi-maaster1337/HabTech2-parch/issues
  6. Look at it, you just have to delete the second part... probably double copy&paste https://github.com/pi-maaster1337/HabTech2-parch/issues
  7. Then it probably makes sense to only answer to issues with the inventory or questions on how to convert it to stock.
  8. How will an inventory patch help in an issue of the drag cube? Or did you create another patch?
  9. I can ask him, but for him the mod is now more in maintenance, than active development. Yeah, missed to put that in my text as well. It opens and then flips right away. Otherwise it would have been a nice workaround.
  10. Was curious on this mod and tried it today. However could successfully create a planning node . I got the same issues I have with the stock maneuver node, which is always unfocusing, clicking something in the back, etc. Especially if you are close to a planet and you have to zoom out to observe the orbit, pretty much everything on that planet gets triggered, focussed, etc. while trying to adjust the node. Sadly it seems to not be compatible with precise maneuver. Do you think that would be possible?
  11. I think there are a few issues with the Inventory in 1.11. I am not sure if any development happens in this direction, but a simple example: Taking the mobility enhancer from habtech2, which comes in 3 sizes. As soon as you add it as a cargo part in the config and use it in the game with inventory, it will always come out looking like a triple size instead of the size that went into the storage. It seems that the configuration of it is not properly stored?!
  12. I wasn't aware, that you can only play one sound per trigger and hence this was a trade-off the dev made. That explains it much better.
  13. No I don't think it is about being a fan or not. With the new config it is just a bug. Why should you have a full launch sound, while your engine is sitting on the launch pad doing nothing. Try the engine and you will understand.
  14. Not sure, if we have the same understanding of ignition sound. Normally if staged with 0 throttle you get a little sound of vents opening (how I would describe). The sound the engine produces right now is more in terms of full throttle launch extreme sound (in this case of a starting space shuttle).... so there should be a "fzzt", but there is a "kabroooom" ;-D
  15. Just tested the Restock KS-25 Vector. The ignition sound is already played when staging even when throttle is 0.
  16. Nice work, it really looks gorgeous! Is there actually a reason, that apparently no one attempted to create effects for a SRB?
  17. Maybe @HebaruSan or @DasSkelett can help to sort out the CKAN confusion? I guess if there a multiple Tantares versions they need to identify the one you are maintaining and remove the rest?
  18. Are you using Atmosphere Autopilot as recommended in the initial Post? It is actually not a real autopilot, more a fly-by-wire and cruise control. The fly-by-wire makes handling of the shuttle way easier. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/124417-180-1110-atmosphereautopilot-1516/
  19. Na, that is normal, you must have accidentality activated the overlord edition. :-D Seriously: It is the EGA-400-T solar array? That has some troubles for which the reasons could not be found yet.
  20. Maybe to help others to decide how to use KIS and the stock inventory system, I found the following in fiddling with different config setups. In terms of inventory and in flight building, the stock system works quite well and is very similar to the KIS functionality (Provided the parts are configured correctly). Hence switching a mod to the stock inventory for storage reasons and building is quite easy. Having both inventories activated is possible, however massively confusing in playing. I figured two other functionalities are unique to KIS: C4 and EVA transport/toolless attachment. Deleting parts with C4 is quite unique to KIS. ;-) The transport of containers on the back of Kerbals and the attachment to predefined racks are also unique to KIS. The attachment to racks is a minor difference, as when doing that with an engineer, the in game difference is just different clicks, only the toolless part for other Kerbals differs. However transporting a container on back of a Kerbal won't be possible in stock. I might have missed other important functionality, as this is based on my playstyle and how I use KIS. So why write this? First to help others that are messing with configs and share my experience. Second this could give an idea on how KIS could go forward in 1.11 functionality? Inventory parts for stock inventory, plus EVA features for transport and C4 ;-). Basically dropping the KIS inventory itself and keep the other features for stock. Of course the future of KIS is at IgorZ discretion, but I thought I share my thoughts.
  21. Check the folder Extras/Custom Shuttle Names, there you will find INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.txt If you are not comfortable with Photoshop or GIMP (Not much skill is needed though), you could also check out conformal decals: https://github.com/drewcassidy/KSP-Conformal-Decals
  22. Release wise I actually wanted to just have one and have the dependencies differ for the install target. However if that is not possible, I can create a new branch and a new release.
  23. A short question an creating a config for CKAN. I successfully build a netkan file for a mod. However with 1.11 KIS won't be a dependency anymore. So for installs in <1.11 KIS is a dependency on >=1.11 it is not. Is there a way to configure that in the netkan file?
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