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Everything posted by alartor

  1. It is possible that by trying to keep my explanation concise I did not convey my meaning properly, but in my modest opinion I think it actually is the same; maybe it's just not he answer you were looking for, but it fully explains what your original post and video were pointing out (and same with second video). In any case, I'll try to elaborate and clarify: In brief: I am guessing that a fix for this would be if ScienceAlert could be configured to use just one specific science container when clicking on the "collect all" button instead of trying to collect all data to all containers (I am just guessing here, I'm not 100% sure that's the way ScienceAlert works. Actually, I no longer use it as I very much prefer [x]Science!, heheh). In detail: The "spamming" of messages (which if I'm not mistaken has no actual effect on gameplay, maybe slowing it slightly at the most?) is derived of the fact of all science containers and command pods trying to pull and store all the experiments at once. The first time, when there are experiments only "inside" the science parts (the Gravioli, for instance), the experiment gets pulled into both the command pod and the science container. The "issue" does not show up. In a similar way, when you click the "collect" button in the PAW (I think it is called PAW, the window that opens up when clicking on ship modules -- edit: yep, PAW = Part Action Window --), that module is the only one pulling experiments from everywhere else in the ship (i.e. from all science parts and other science containers / command pods / etc). Depending on the number of experiments stored in the ship that may also show a number of messages, but not the "issue" as such. As a side note, in my career save, I usually have several science containers in my ships, and also set up an action group in which I set *all* those science containers to collect all experiments (yep, I know, it's a little exploit that I use to replicate experiments; with 7 containers or so you can get 100% out of experiments like goo in just one go, heheheheh). When I use that trick, a lot of those "spamming" messages show up and the "issue" takes place, just the same as when clicking on the "collect all" button in the ScienceAlert window. The reason why this is happening is because for each container, and for each experiment in the ship not in the container in question, it is being collected in that container and, after the first time, a copy of it is already there, which causes the "experiment already stored" and "cannot store experiment" orange messages. I don't see this as an issue, but as a "behavior", present not only on ScienceAlert but also in stock as explained above in my exploit, though that is just my opinion and I do understand why that might bother other people. I am guessing that a fix for this would be if ScienceAlert could be configured to use just one specific science container when clicking on the "collect all" button instead of trying to collect all data to all containers (I am just guessing here, I'm not 100% sure that's the way ScienceAlert works. Actually, I no longer use it as I very much prefer [x]Science!, heheh). Again, I hope this helps clarify the issue. Happy and kerbal-y sciencing! PS: please note that, even avoiding the replication of experiments due to collecting to different containers at the same time, you will still get a good number of messages if you "move around" all the experiments after you have collected a few of them (i.e. if you collect all into the command pod, then click on "collect" button in the Science Container PAW button, etc).
  2. If you read the messages you are getting, you'll see they are simply saying that some (all?) of the experiments you ran are already stored in the different modules that can store experiments. That's KSP "stock" regular behavior and has nothing to do with ScienceAlert or any other mods. It's the same thing you will get if you manually click on the "Collect Science" button in the window that opens when clicking any of the science collecting modules (and similar to what you get when boarding after EVA in a module while carrying experiments that are already stored in said module). Hope this helps ;o)
  3. alartor


    Si entiendes inglés, los tutoriales de Mike Aben son de lo mejorcito (y más actual) que hay para KSP en youtube (en mi humilde opinión). Este es el de cómo instalar mods (incluye cómo instalar manualmente, y también cómo instalar con CKAN): y aquí la playlist completa: (edit: added note about manual+CKAN in mod install tutorial) (edit: added note about "my opinion").
  4. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.3 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! Continued v5.26 Also, it looks good if playing in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), thanks to the resize UI option, that's great! Thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod! I have run the EVA Science experiment when in Space Near and when in Space High Over, both Kerbin and The Mun (it is not biome dependent, results are global). It would be quite convenient if "[x] Science! Continued" could be updated to show this on the "Here and Now" window, though I'm not sure if it is related to the need of already being on EVA to detect if it is available. Then again, EVA Report doesn't need you to be already on EVA, so maybe that could be worked out...
  5. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.3 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). At any rate, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  6. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.3 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). At any rate, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  7. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.3 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). At any rate, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod! ________ Edit: updated PlanetShine version in my list; the contents of its GameData\PlanetShine\ChangeLog.txt misled me, but I verified the right version in the GameData\PlanetShine\Plugins\PlanetShine.version file.
  8. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 Also, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  9. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 Also, it still looks good when playing in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160)! Thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  10. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, as mentioned in my previous comment, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). And again, thank you very much to the developer of this mod!
  11. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). At any rate, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  12. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! (10/7/16) E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 And also, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  13. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! 2.1.12.xxx E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). At any rate, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod! ________ Also, perhaps update the first post? It says "Major Release Update, 1.10.5", which can be misleading... Thanks!
  14. In case it helps: this mod seems to work OK for me in KSP 1.11 I've briefly tested it, with the following list of things installed: KSP win x64 (Steam) Making History 1.11.0 Breaking Ground 1.6.0 Chatterer v0.9.99 - Keep talking! Click Through Blocker Docking Sounds!! 2.1.12.xxx E.V.E. Redux (from blackrack) + Configs- (from WazWaz) Final Frontier 1.10.0-3485 + KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0 Kerbal Alarm Clock Module Manager 4.1.4 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 Oct 19, 2019 Rover Wheel Sounds (Revived) v1. (from DoctorDavinci, .dll overwritten with the one from MAFman) Scatterer - atmospheric scattering 0.0722 Texture Replacer 4.3 ToolbarController [x] Science! v5.26 The only detail I would mention is that, if played in 4k resolution (3804 x 2160), the UI for this mod is too tiny to see comfortably. It would be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same as the UI Scale option from stock settings?). At any rate, thank you very much to the developer(s) of this mod!
  15. One thing that can be done with those event-dependent alarms, though, is to change the time alarm goes off in advance (i.e. the "ring alarm X minutes before <event>"). If I remember correctly, that can be changed in hours, minutes, seconds... (haven't toyed with that in a long time, so can't remember exactly). Hope this helps ;-)
  16. Working without issues for me too, with KSP 1.10.1 and both Breaking Ground and Making History.
  17. It is running without issues for me (with v 1.10.1 plus both DLCs).
  18. I am also running KAC with version 1.10.1 and both DLC's, and have had no problems... Please note, I installed KAC after having both DLC's. Maybe one thing to try would be removing KAC, launching the game, closing it and then reinstalling KAC?
  19. First of all, thank you very much for creating and maintaining this mod! It's awesome, and your selflessly devoting your time to this is much appreciated! So... ...I was also playing KSP on 4K, but have now gone down to 1080 becuase this (and a couple other mods I'm using) are too tiny to see comfortably. It'd be great if it could be scaled (maybe just the same the UI Scale option from stock settings?), when (if) you find time for that. And if not, thank you very much all the same for this super cool mod! Oh, and another possible improvement: when opening the Hall of Fame, is there any way to have a setting to have your Kerbals ordered after a specific criteria (for instance, Statistics -> Missions -> Descending), instead of having to click the buttons to get that order every time? Thanks! Dankeschön!
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