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Everything posted by Awesomesauce1337

  1. @Yonghyeon There are multiple walkthrough PDFs included in the download. Look in the "examples" folder to find them. I found them extremely useful.
  2. I believe I've found a bug. I'm currently playing on the Beyond Home planet pack. When using the Porkchop Plot Generator and when using calculating the departure burn using an SMA over 6000km leads to an Out of Memory Error. Body file and screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ftn8q9f1lfuo8c6xcvb60/AJkAwkoR_2BHGJAUNwhB6SM?rlkey=23fvk7gbfaq9jxpbm7cujt8b5&st=a38mwzyu&dl=0
  3. It hurt when I saw the light. Not because it was blinding, but because it showed me more than I ever could have imagined.
  4. Does this program automatically take body parameters from the game files or must I manually enter them for modded planet packs?
  5. Google translated text I assume that some sort of modifications were going to be made to the airplane. I pity the pilot having to coast in space with dead jet engines and a cockpit not space rated.
  6. I've got that mod installed. I could swear that before the X-15 update I could see the burn time of SRBs. Not to worried though as KER also displays burn time left for the stages.
  7. Does anyone remember being able to see the remaining burn time by right clicking an SRB? I was looking today and noticed it wasn't anywhere in the PAW.
  8. What mods do you guys use for calculating transfers with this pack? Astrogator and TWP are giving me different numbers.
  9. Never used this mod but I've had a similar issue before @Grenartia. Try using the alt + F12 menu and and look for a tab somewhere in there called "input locks" or "control locks" and look for a button that says "Clear input locks". This was a bandaid fix that worked for me until I cleaned up a bunch of my mods and the issue disappeared.
  10. You're welcome. Welcome to the forums BTW. Hope you enjoy it here!
  11. @SkinnyThePimp I had the same issue, what I had to do was replace the default sunflare images located in "Scatterer\config\Sunflares\Sun" with the Ursa Minor ones. IE: Replace the default "sunflare.png" with the Ursa Minor "sunflare.png" and repeat for every image like the ghosts. Then ensure the flareSettings line has the proper numbers. If this doesn't work, try using my sun.cfg file, create a new cfg file by creating a txt file, pasting in my settings and renaming the file extension to cfg, then replace the default sun.cfg with the new file. https://pastebin.com/vc1S965W
  12. Check the outer rocket engine orientations, the nozzles should be on away from the center rocket.
  13. TO ALL WHO HAVE HAD THIS ISSUE AND TO THOSE WHO WILL IN THE FUTURE I FOUND A FIX Ensure that your "flareSettings" line in the scatterer config has 1 be the first number E.G: flareSettings = 0.7,1,0.5 -> flareSettings = 1,1,0.5 This fixed my problem and may fix yours.
  14. Is Frontier supposed to have oxygen or not? In game it doesn't but on the DeltaV map it has the O2 marker on it.
  15. I wonder if using FAR would help with the drag problems as IIRC, it uses the shapes of the parts themselves instead of whatever KSP itself uses and one of the biggest draws to it was that it fixed fairings not protecting parts. Just my 2 cents.
  16. @FukkIvDan Can you provide a list of your mods? This will help with finding the issue.
  17. Bigyihsuan explained it best. The biggest issue I've found is that it goes late on low TWR crafts and early on the "feetshield". For optimal use, I've found it works best on the lunar landers once you've cancelled all horizontal momentum and are only going straight down waiting for the suicide burn. If you deem it worthy you can put it in the extras folder if you like, I feel it fits the bill for a "Use at your own risk" patch.
  18. Created a CFG to add Landertron capability to lander parts. Not sure where to put it so I'm slapping it here. Take a peek if you use Landertron. https://github.com/awesomesauce1337/BDB_Landertron
  19. We've probably mined all the easy to access coal. If humanity was sent back to a pre-industrial era we would have a very hard time finding coal for a second industrial revolution.
  20. Works on my machine. Just make sure to have all the dependencies, have no other home switch mods like JNSQ or GPP and make sure to not put it on an existing save unless you want all of your existing flights sent to destinations unknown.
  21. Unless I'm reading the question wrong, can't you just rotate the desired part? Correct me if I'm reading it incorrectly.
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