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Everything posted by Grimmas

  1. Also check your config, because the perma hab time is exposed as a config variable. I do see the code for freezing the timers - it's in ModuleLifeSupportSystem.cs around line 256. Haven't looked at it in detail but if you want to investigate for a possible bug I'd start there. Edit: and another thing to try - does it work correctly when you unload the vessel (ie go back to the space center) and then time warp and then load the vessel later on?
  2. Quick question - are you sure that absolutely all of your converters/habitats/recyclers/etc/etc are all enabled? Just having them on the vessel is not enough for them to affect the timers, you need to click on every such part and enable the life support module through the PAW. Although I suspect that this is not the issue you're seeing, it doesn't hurt to check.
  3. It's not a mod, it's just a separate repository where he throws together all of his mods into one package. And if you take a look on the aforementioned USI main page you may notice that the very first link in the text links to this very repository. Not to mention that we talk about it and link it every few pages or so in this very thread. So it's not exactly hard to find but YMMW
  4. Yes. At least when I use it with UKS/CTT it uses the late-game nodes and also adds another new node for the jumpgate parts.
  5. I've started using Custom Asteroids for this a while back (and for asteroids in general, not only comets) and it works really well as a replacement so far - worth checking out.
  6. It's part of the old Firespitter mod which added some helicopter and plane parts. USI mods, mainly MKS, often come bundled with Firespitter (the dll or even all the parts) because they rely on the code from Firespitter (especially the FuelSwitch stuff). Up to date version and/or source can be found on Github or as part of the USI pre-release constellation.
  7. Uhm... so you'd rather have... less detail? More generic looking parts? I quite like these ones though.
  8. Quick search on Github shows that those parts were deprecated and eventually deleted on Nov 4, 2019 so that was quite a while ago. Your options would be to accept the destruction of those vessels and re-launch them with updated parts, revert to an older version of the mod, or download the config/model/texture files of those parts from Github and re-add them to their previous locations (which will probably work fine but may require some manual editing of the part configs). Edit: in theory I guess you could also try to edit your save and replace them with similar parts. Though this is a really good way to mess up your save, so at least make a backup first.
  9. It's certainly bold. I'm not too familiar with Unity yet but isn't this DOTS stuff still in early preview state? Though Unity is pushing it everywhere they can, and have done so for the last few years.
  10. With stock, no, you just need Ore. With Nertea's other mods, at least LH2 will be used. FFT also adds a few more resources. The other resource options become useful when you start using mods like MKS, USI-LS, OSE Workshop, Ground Construction, Extraplanetary Launchpads, TAC-LS, Snacks, WBI, KSPI-E, Kerbalism, etc.
  11. Very nice looking parts as usual! One thing I noticed - PAS Flat Adapter magically disappears when viewed from certain angles (what's actually happening is that the backfaces are getting culled which is expected - you probably only modelled one side of that inner ring, so the back side shows).
  12. I think the new built-in orbital shipyards are probably the easiest to use. The orbital part works fine. You just place a shipyard in orbit, bring some resources over, click a button and boom, instant construction (resources not included, of course... you'll need to bring your own fuel, supplies etc). The new ship spawns empty (except for full EC charge) close to the shipyard. Global Construction is a bit more involved - you need to first make prefab 'DIY kits' for the vessel you want and ship them out along with resources. The construction itself also takes time, it's not instant. Later on you can manufacture the DIY kits 'on site' as well. Can't speak for Extraplanetary Launchpads, never used those. You can just look it up on YouTube if you want, every mod has had a short video made about it at some point. Or check their threads.
  13. Re 1 - KSP won't process vessels when they are not loaded so that's just how it works unfortunately. If you want to manage multiple bases on a planet you'll need to visit them periodically to make them catch up - in the correct order (ie producers first then consumers). Not what you hoped for, and not ideal, I know. You can check out the WOLF parts which will reduce this problem significantly as they do not rely on the passage of time (with the downside - or upside - that WOLF will instead completely remove the production vessels from the game - kerbals and all - and replace them with an abstract number in your save file representing your 'development of infrastructure' in a given biome - so you can't go back to these bases). Re 2 - you can still use Global Construction and/or Planetary Launchpads. There are now also two new MKS-specific orbital shipyards and a ground shipyard is in testing I believe (there's a test part in the repository at least) so it's definitely in the works from what I've seen. Re 3 - check the wiki on Github, it has most of the useful info even if not everything is up to date. The general progression is something like Ranger -> Duna (maybe mixed with Ranger) -> Tundra -> Atlas.
  14. Nah, the new stuff hasn't really been released and isn't on CKAN yet. But you can check it out in the constellation download from Github. The new packrat is pretty cool too and has way more parts. Btw the thing about disabling steering on the rear wheels - I do this on every rover I build, no matter if stock or modded. Helps a lot with stability. Adjusting the traction and friction and spring/dampening settings manually can help too (and helps getting up inclines).
  15. If you mean the one from the video then yea, that would be the science crate I mentioned in my previous post. It doesn't exist in the current pre-release of USI but it still exists in the old 1.4.0 version. Works exactly like the stock part - use its PAW in flight to collect all science experiments' results in one place after running some experiments.
  16. Well, I'm stumped. Pretty sure there's no such part as an 'experiment storage locker' in any version of any USI mod I'm familiar with, apart from what I listed above. Maybe it's from another mod?
  17. I'm a bit confused by the terminology. Science pack? In Exploration Pack's latest version there is a 'science pack' which is a collection of 12 new experiments. They do not hold any inventory. If you mean the "A cardboard box stuffed with science" those are actually from another mod (Sounding Rockets) and they are also simply new experiments. Older versions of Exploration Pack had just one experiment IIRC (the data camera) but I don't recall a science pack there either... Edit: if you mean the old "science crate" that's just another experiment storage container like the stock Experiment Storage Unit.
  18. KSP2 is also made in Unity. I'm sure we'll rehash this whole thread again in 2022 or if/whenever KSP2 comes out :-)
  19. The argument "it's just moving the refactoring around into engine code" does not hold water in the real world. There's a reason why engine programmers get paid more than gameplay programmers. That stuff is critical and hard and best left to senior employees who know what they're doing. You don't let the mechanic trainees tinker with your car's engine, and you don't let the starry-eyed interns tinker with your game engine.
  20. I bet the problem (or part of the problem at least) is that those resources are not listed in the WOLF config. Try editing GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/WOLF/WOLF.cfg and adding them to RefinedResourcesFilter
  21. You can disable the loading of all planets in the GU config and only load the stars to start with, then add planets selectively as your appetite/CPU/GPU can handle.
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