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Everything posted by Grimmas

  1. PSA for anyone like me who dreamed of striking it rich through importing containers of produced goods from your off-world MKS mine/manufacturing complex: there's currently a bug in stock 1.11 KSP that will result in you actually losing money. It affects all containers from all mods that use any part switcher to switch their contents (FS/IFS/B9/etc) as the game now does the recovery cost calculations by using the original costs of the part instead of the actual costs after the switch and mining operation. So the part cost becomes negative. The KSP Recall mod has a temporary fix, though it's more like an ugly band-aid.
  2. You'll be using the AVP-provided EVE config (you can see the files under AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/) so you won't need GU's EVE config. Scatterer is a different mod, unrelated to EVE, which does atmospheric scattering and ocean shaders.
  3. I'm not running GU at the moment, sorry. I disabled it again since I restarted my career save from scratch and am not ready to go interstellar yet.
  4. My PC is older than that and does run it. But some slowdown definitely noticeable. You may want to start by going into the config file and disabling all of the planets and planet-less stars. Then enable the planets just for the stars you want to visit, one by one, and see how it goes. But I'd wait with adding GU to your save until you're ready to go interstellar, tech wise. AVP is listed as not compatible. But you can get them to work together. I loaded them together once and my PC did not explode, at least. I think GU does add stock configs too, so you'll need to work around that.
  5. @Nertea FYI there's a small UI glitch where the system heat menus slide off the screen when you have a lot of buttons on the menu bar and scroll through them - see screenshot, lower right corner.
  6. Whether you buy it or not is obviously up to you. Many of us - myself included - have bought and do like the BG DLC. You also have the option to wait until it's on sale - I got all of KSP+BG+MH on Steam for only 24 EUR. Still better than a $70 monocle DLC, I'd say.
  7. I use autostrut on all my rockets and it works fine, stops all noodle rocketry. Try using grandparent autostruts on every main part (especially the wobbly ones). You can also experiment with changing the root part if that doesn't help - the parentage goes from the leaf parts to the root part.
  8. Around 105-110 mods. USI constellation (that's like ten mods right there) + NFT/FFT (that's almost another 30 mods just by itself) + Restock + "Stockalike" mods + OPM + QoL (KAC, KER, JC, Bon Voyage, TWP, RCS Build Aid, Craft Manager, Waypoint Manager) + Astronomers/Eve/Scatterer/Chatterer/Parallax + UKS + SCANsat + Contracts/FinalFrontier stuff + some other misc stuff I don't remember + all the dependencies that get pulled in. Takes about 5-6 minutes to load. From HDD. I should probably move the install folder over to the SSD. Also - nice thread necromancy :-)
  9. Good Old Games. It's another PC game online retailer with a desktop client, like Valve's Steam. They originally started with old 80ies-90ies classics, hence the name.
  10. Just hit 666 hours today. I'm not even kidding.
  11. That might be it. It was orbiting fairly close to the Mun.
  12. Then it's a bug. I don't have log files going that far back, unfortunately.
  13. There is in theory actually a way to do it, because other mods like MKS do it (ground tether as a PAW action on some parts like landing legs). I think KAS also has some kind of support for this (a sort of base plate).
  14. BTW I started tracking the tetrahedron in the tracking station but a few weeks later it despawned. Is that intentional behavior or possibly a bug? I had hoped to keep it around as a sort of monument
  15. Found the tetrahedron. Didn't get any tech - that's ok - but I think it would be good if there was at least a notification or message acknowledging that you found something interesting (like for the other anomalies). As it is, I was floating all around it, even managed to disassemble it lol, but nothing. Still cool, but could be even cooler
  16. There's no trick, the latest constellation works with 1.11.2 out of the box. It sounds like you somehow have an old version of the DLL in GameData. The easiest way would be to start with a clean vanilla install of the game, or alternatively you can try deleting just the USI files first and re-downloading the constellation.
  17. Let's say you're in a situation where it's as you describe, then presumably shipping in resources is also not an option. If it was, then you would have no issues. But if it isn't possible to ship stuff in, then I guess you'll be producing all of the needed construction resources in-situ, right? Maybe you shipped your orbital shipyard to Nova Kirbani and the next supply ship from KSC can't arrive for another 50 years or something. Now you need to build a new ship locally but your MK storage doesn't have quite enough space to hold the necessary MK. I would simply design and build (on-site) a container with a control module, claw (assuming you did not design your orbital shipyard with docking ports in the first place) and some RCS (or use your tug - you brought one along, probably) and just attach it - thus expanding the local storage easily. Then you can fill it up from your local industry. Though staggered construction sounds nice as well, conceptually.
  18. I have this issue with roughly 10% of all missions (especially with missions from contract packs but occasionally also with stock ones). Debug menu is basically the only solution that works well for this. Editing the save file is possible but it takes much longer and the chance to mess up your entire save is also much higher. It's not cheating to use the debug menu since you did do the mission and are using the menu to fix a bug (it would be cheating if you did not actually complete the mission correctly in the first place, but then it's a single player game so you can do whatever you want really).
  19. I just started playing with this and just WOW. It really makes rover expeditions worthwhile. Thanks for making this, that's a great effort.
  20. I'm a bit late to the party but yes they do work. Or at least FTL does (didn't test FTF). Also, about the issue that you need to train 'from scratch' - IMHO that's not a bug, that's a feature! This mod already makes training trivial by comparison to vanilla so the training from scratch counteracts that a bit. I hope it won't get changed as it would make training even more trivial.
  21. You may also consider using one of the other options: Global Construction (the DIY kit mod) is quite cool. Used to be bundled with USI. The most recent version (I think it's only in the pre-release constellation) of USI dropped GC in favor of introducing their own orbital shipyard (doesn't need DIY kits like GC but instead you need a large amount of MaterialKits and some specialized cargo as well - works well together with the new WOLF logistics in USI) and in-situ part fabrication (kind of like OSE Workshop but a bit different), with ground construction parts to follow.
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