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Everything posted by ImANoob

  1. Valentina was the first tester (in sandbox) of the 100 m/s ejector seat. I wanted to see if the seat could clear a building, but it didn't. luckily, the aerodynamic drag slowed down Valentina, who crashed seat first, saving her life. The chances of Valentina landing on her seat were slim, yet by some miracle, she survived. She proceeded to stand up, take two steps, and be hit on the head by a Separatron that broke off from the seat and was going at 90 m/s. This time Val was not so lucky. After surviving because of a miracle, she was killed by the opposite of one
  2. Mustang why must one deal with the immense burden of existential dread?
  3. "canyon running in a high speed jet" by the valleys what is love? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more
  4. how do I put my save file in the forums?
  5. In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea to try this as my first mission to any other celestial body. It went about as well as a Blunderbirds-demanding mission At least i got there, and 3 of my kerbals are alive, but the surface base isn't exactly that useful anymore, and I think Jeb is starting to hate minimus-flavored ice cream
  6. couldn't find anything, does anyone know how to change your kerbals' suit colors?
  7. Thanks! I can also do it in the SPH right? I'll check the wiki for the color thing
  8. How do I change my Kerbals' spacesuit color in career mode? what do I need?
  9. I noticed the subforum after posting this, does anyone know how to move it? also, for my submission, I made a plane with 3 junos on either side of the plane, I'll post a picture in a bit yes, it requires a jet engine.
  10. so we just take them on a honeymoon to vall, dres, eve, kerbin, or the mun or minimus?
  11. whats ike long live eve jk ike's cool
  12. has anyone considered that with the method of timewarp discussed earlier on this page, the game will need to register thousands of years of passage of time to simulate it to other players, and that if your space station from 100 years ago is harmed by someone back then, that you won't be able to do anything abut it? So i thought, how about players can literally just make their craft move really quickly when timewarping. I know this system has its flaws and could potentially ruin a mun race where both craft are in space if you just timewarp to the mun, but with refinements made, i think this timewarp solution could work.
  13. I just got an idea: a challenge: Make a supersonic jet using the least amount of science points possible (must be in level flight, cannot be going downwards). for this challenge, simply post a photo of the tech tree used, write how many science points you used, and a screenshot or video of you flying the jet at over mach 1.
  14. batman, with the batmobile Where is the batmobile, did someone steal it?
  15. Maybe there should be togglable space center destruction by other people in the creation of a server, giving the option for war, and the option for peace. Also politics? In a society of space plants with a single goal of space exploration? why would they ever complicate themselves so much (even though we humans did)
  16. the thing about that is that if you timewarp x1000000 for like a minute and no one else does, ksp2 will have to keep in its memory 1000000 years of you floating around in space and simulate it for others I 100% agree with this person's whole proposal You're gonna join a ksp2 war server immediately, aren't you? You seem to have it all planned out.
  17. I think you should look at this a little more like minecraft. You could invite someone to your world, and if they destroy everything, its your fault for inviting an untrustworthy friend. also, I think that multiplayer should work differently than most have suggested. I think all players should get different KSC's and be able to pause and revert freely. If you pause, your plane/rocket will stay midair and will be indestructable, other player's things will just pass through, and If you revert, you will just teleport to where you are reverting to, unless the area you are reverting to is obstructed. Also, a chat feature would be nice. maybe they could also add a menu when creating your server on "wether some people's crafts can damadge other people's KSC's" and "wether some people's crafts can damadge other people's crafts" to prevent or allow, in a nutshell, griefing. boom. thread revived
  18. Im in career and for some reason can't make manuever nodes. do I need to upgrade my tracking station? what do i do?
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