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Wizard Kerbal

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Everything posted by Wizard Kerbal

  1. I'm flying an american space shuttle replica with 2 Clydesdale booster. I attached struts from the SRBs to the external tank, and usually, it works fine. I noticed upon launch that they started wobbling a bit, but nothing major. My ascent was fine, peaking at 3.8G right before booster cutoff. I went to detach them, but 1 came off without pressing any buttons and ripped off the wing. This happened once before at Max-Q when the booster was still, on? thrusting? burning fuel? burning fuel on a flight a few months ago. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
  2. The most annoying thing is when you follow a minecraft cave all the way to level 20 but it stops there.
  3. My cat doesn't like my Keep Calm Kitty Poster Hey! New Page! Reminder of a rule: KSP is out of bounds for this thread!
  4. I’m just casually playing at 11:24 AM when something gets on my leg. I attempt, and fail, to throw it off and then get a flashlight. I see it’s a spider half the size of my hand. I look around to see the tools at my disposal. I see a cup, drink the last of my tea and then pick up the spider and throw it out my backdoor. Now i’m having nervous twitches for the first time in my 13 years of life. Since I was focused on my landing, I only felt it halfway up my leg. I need something to blame at this hour, so I blame KSP. @James Kerman, your location is noted as Australia. How do you do it?
  5. I’m a month late, sorry @Jfraz. What do you mean when you switch between crafts they don’t keep pointing at each-other? I’ve never experienced that.
  6. A 3.75 meter command module. Not the Mk3 spaceplane cockpit, a command pod that can seat, say, 5 Kerbals.
  7. I’m just going to list the things I do: - Confuse LEO with LKO -Try to measure the width of rockets to see if I can recreate them -Am un-amused by air-launch systems -When I see an illustration of a rocket in space with “pointy” exhaust, for forgetfulness of the term, I say they should get a better graphics mod instead of saying it’s unrealistic. -Attempted to Phys-warp past a history lesson
  8. Oh I always called it Sr. Smol (Not really, but now it’s Sr. Smol to me)
  9. My only criticism is that the yellow/gold variants would work better in my opinion. Otherwise, great job!
  10. Excuse me, but it appears there is a crewed Acapello rocket in my chicken soup. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s inedible.
  11. Ok my speech would be ”Control, we have footprints on red soil. This is the first time in human history we are the aliens. We have come from Earth, millions of kilometers, to Mars. We have pushed our spacecraft, bodies, and budgets, to the limits. And it won’t be the last time.” I reaaaally want to get political, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. There will only be people that strongly agree or strongly disagree. And just for clarification, not like democrats or republicans are the best. How we need to change ourselves for the betterment and not degradation of mankind.
  12. In all seriousness, this is what I would say. ”Control, we have footprints on red soil.” And a speech i’ll think up later
  13. Everytime I look at my LKO and see an asteroid I captured I regret my life decisions. And a satellite I couldn’t de orbit before the kraken killed it.
  14. I captured an E-Class asteroid, in an elliptical and, I forgot the terminology, but non-equatorial orbit. I don’t know an efficient way to get it from it’s 200x4,000km non-equatorial orbit to a 180x180km equatorial orbit. Nuclear tugs have so low TWR, even though they were on they effected the orbit by centimeters. I had to strap 49 to a fuel tank with 1,100 DV to get a TWR of .10 Even though they’re inefficient, do I just use moar, bigger engines?
  15. I did 89 m/s on a Rhino and 5 meter medium-sized tank for a giant rover, but I didn’t record it.
  16. Dangit I just deleted my save file that I captured an E asteroid. It took like 3 launches, all payloads combined were 500 tons I believe. WAIT! About a month ago in, “What did you do in KSP today?” I have pictures of me doing a 40 minute capture burn for an E-class asteroid. And that was the first of 3. Found it! Page 2278 near the bottom!
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