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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. From my experience, those tubes can only grab other parts or kerbals. I guess it's sort of a nerf given how much better they are in some regards.
  2. Granted. Now the maps are abnormal I wish for a food
  3. Oooo Are we going to be seeing a dev diarie or feature that goes into more details about ISRU and colonies? Im excited!
  4. every atom in the universe becomes a black hole. Some quantum-y happens and then other stuff happens. I wish no
  5. I will update later and play some KSP. Who knows, maybe something will come up I can't see it affecting the game that much, as I don't have rings and i'm not in OpenGL. We'll see what happens with 'roids though
  6. its blue cheese with extra mold on it. I wish for SN10 to explode
  7. That would be interesting. We would need to compile some modding resources, because I know heck-all about texturing and unwrapping and all that stuff. I don't even know that much about modelling! However, we do need Nert's blessing to do that. If we get permission, maybe he'll also share his model-crafting and general epic modding secrets Nert might be the model machine, but we could be the model factory!
  8. Are you sure you're not thinking of something else? The RS-18 was a relatively small engine.
  9. Lol I've tried. I can make a decent rocket nozzle, but I've got no idea how to detail it or make the turbopumps and stuff. Probably doesn't help that I do it in Fusion360, because that's what I'm learning in school. I tried Blender, but couldn't really figure it out. If you have any tips or know a good tutorial, let me know ! Other than that, I'm really liking how those engines are coming along. I think they both look great.
  10. great work mr. lawyerman. couldn't of said it better myself more cheeto on the way
  11. @Nertea So, having given a bit of thought to the difficulties that you have been facing with the Methalox expansion, I have some new ideas. FEEL FREE TO SHOOT ME DOWN This is a potential option if you can't find enough source material for a bunch of purely methalox engines. I think it would be a good option to add a few more hydrolox engines to flesh out the update a bit. It's all up to you though, you the one making the stuff A few options: The RD-0146 - A super-effiecient upper stage engine with quite crappy thrust. BE-3/U - Average, cheap upper stage engine with moderate thrust and sub-440 ISP due to its sea level origins. Vinci - Powerful, Efficient, EXPENSIVE. GSLV3 CE20 - More powerful, less efficient. Middling cost for an expendable LV. KVD1/RD56 - Another good vacuum engine TR-106 - Booster engine that was extremely powerful and reached the test stand. There is already an RD-701 in NFLV, but if CE was installed it would be cool to have it switch modes like IRL. LR-87 LH2 Other than that, maybe a BE4 Vac in the actual methalox vein?
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