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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Maybe we’ll get a release date. They probably won’t do that until a few months before though.
  2. Thanks for clarifying! So maybe for the block 2 SLS BOLE boosters they might have some SRMU heritage.
  3. Perhaps you could borrow one of nerteas phat 5m ones although that might be complicated with licenses and stuff
  4. Spaceman.Spiff


    Account hasn’t been deleted.
  5. Granted. The pepsi is expired. And warm. And has sugar. I wish for exams to go well
  6. Invert starship while horizontal open bay let tank pallet on rails slide out parachutes
  7. Use the second option. That way you drop the extra mass with the stage.
  8. Banned for banning a moderator for being a moderator.
  9. Also treats his workers like garbage but that’s a topic for a different thread… his political views have been questionable in the past and the fact that people see him as some sort of all around genius is damaging when he makes certain remarks such as those about virus. Generally I assume multibillionaires are probably self centered turds because no one deserves that much money.
  10. Nope. At the moment the temperature generation does not scale. That would require a patch to get them to interface and might require some complex math because size does not correlate linearly with heat production.
  11. No. You want the stable branch. Get the latest *stable release* for 1.9
  12. They could change their space (haha) utilization to fit a starship. Also, why not just use Starship a a bomb? It clearly has explosive potential.
  13. My spacecraft broke too late! I reentered at the wrong time. @adsii1970 will probably be on time!
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