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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. NFEX has some teeny 25ec batteries. Also small reaction wheels.
  2. hmm this is something... @Spaceman.Spiff
  3. Probably not, @Starhelperdude is here though.
  4. No problem This is the latest version of EVE. Blackrack volunteered to take over, and perform maintenance and feature upgrades to the mod. If you want the latest, greatest, and most up-to-date that EVE has to offer, this is the place. About your 1.12 question, depending on the availability of the mod developers, it can take a while for them to update their plugins to work with the new version.
  5. This is now the primary EVE branch. I assume it will be updated for 1.12. The amount of time required to change it for compatibility is as-yet unknown. It might work right off the bat. There’s no way of knowing until the update drops.
  6. I mean…. They’re based in the US and receive national security contracts. Spacex is about as affiliated as a company can get.
  7. Might wanna update the OP and title for advertising and ease-of-download
  8. You could also use the time-tested get out and push method. point the craft retrograde, get bill out, and use the EVA pack to literally push the craft onto a suborbital trajectory
  9. Well Merlin is about as simple as a pump-fed engine can be. Raptor is significantly more complex. I would be pleasantly surprised if they can achieve that production cadence.
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