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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. *confused noises* Your stuff is really good fr. Don't undersell yourself
  2. Woah! That is really cool! Did you just model and texture those????
  3. I actually want to do that. I'll ask Nert if it's possible once I get to that stage. Not sure yet. I'm thinking closer to being a steel surface. Maybe a white metal surface with some tiles like Antares or Zenit. Again, not sure. I appreciate your advice though
  4. So assuming I have time this evening, I hope to finish the engine, make sure I have it created right, and then maybe I will try something texture/UV related? however, I may not have time tonight. Or tomorrow. We'll see!
  5. Zorg said in the BDB thread to entirely delete it and then reinstall to update because several file paths changed
  6. I will probably add a few assorted blocks as "turbopumps" Something real dumb I've put minimal time into! More deets to follow..... Plans Cubic fuel tank 1.25m SL engine 1.25m Vac engine 1.25m Cubic 1.875m tank Vac and SL 1.875m engine Command pod; both sizes Probe core, both sizes Other bills and bobs that seem helpful All jokes aside, if anyone has suggestions they would be greatly appreciated :-)
  7. i am immune i am a spaceman @AlamoVampire
  8. According to Nertea WF ain't great for SRB effects. I think it's by nature. The mesh would have to be VERY large to accommodate the SRB/M fire and smoke trail. If you want him to work on iit though, he put up a poll in his dev thread.
  9. Welcome to the forum Harald! How long have you been playing KSP?
  10. I am a happy boi I asked if this was possible a while ago! That is great!
  11. i once again am requesting your voting support for mods https://www.strawpoll.me/42765891. to support your good friend spaceman.spiff, please vote for Kerbal Atomics and Cryotanks. After that vote for NFE DO NOT VOTE FOR THE OTHER THINGS
  12. I figure they would want to try the landing maneuver at full mass.
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