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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. I suppose they are thinking of very small school buses
  2. I understand it's an approximation. However, given that the average width of a school bus is around 90 inches, that means that the XL has a diameter of 4.57m (!) That is almost a meter greater in diameter than a falcon core stage. Although I suppose that the fairings are a greater diameter than that as well. For mass, we'll take a value of 20,000 kg. for each bus. That puts us at 40,000 kg, or, 44 tons. What? How is this thing going to be launched? Definitely not on Falcon Heavy..... Obviously my napkin math may be bad, but the figures don't really add up. FH cannot get 44 tons to the moon. (At least for now) Perhaps they plan to launch it on SLS???
  3. A place where I will be streaming some KSP occasionally! If others want to stream or watch, feel free to join here: https://discord.gg/SmaDRPqF
  4. I’m also very interested, where is that craft going, it looks cool....
  5. The coolant tanks merely increase the loop volume. This increases the amount of time it takes for the loop to heat up. If you want to keep the loop from overheating, you need radiators. Based on the SystemHeat UI, you have enough heat rejection. I’m not sure what issues you’re having.
  6. Why can’t the water stay warm for longer? Maybe everyone should have an RTG for bath/shower warming like in the Martian.
  7. I think they act like green monoliths. IE: Once you approach you get a tech node.
  8. @Matt Lowne Help this man he is epic and deserves it
  9. To Rerail the thread, Who is the newest moderator?
  10. Banned for having the letter “K” in your name
  11. I think it falls under the same umbrella. Also, this subforum is for mods.
  12. @The Destroyer lol You beat Carnasa to it. also how did you not blow up your house with your computer what the heck ok the longer I watch this the more ridiculous it gets The giant RCS blocks, the M1 cluster. It is a lot for my grainule of a brainule to handle Meanwhile a random probe is yeeting itself out of solar system?
  13. Hi Harald There is a whole subforum dedicated to tutorials on things like getting to orbit and maybe even going to the Mun https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/50-tutorials/ there are also some good Wiki articles on how to start playing. If you look through some of these, it will probably help you learn some of the basics. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials If you look up "KSP orbit tutorial" on YouTube, you should be able to find some good guides on how to go to orbit I hope this helps : )
  14. The community can definitely help (maybe not me specifically, because I am new to this as well, but people here are very helpful) I look forward to it's release, there aren't very many recent mods that cover those....
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