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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. This looks very good! It reminds me of Dream Chaser.
  2. So today I completed the second day of in-person school! It is thousands of times better being in the classroom that being cooped up in my room all day. Plus, I have reconnected with friends that I haven't seen in a year! Unfortunately, I only get to go in-person on Thursday and Friday, so there's a small downside. Overall, I am just really happy to have a change in routine, and get some actual social interaction in. That sounds about right. My brother was a lifeguard in the before times. He had pretty much the same opinion. Be careful with the head! Make sure that mind numbness is the boring, not the head injury
  3. Fine. This will just be for the weekend Dear god its terrifying it states into my SOUL
  4. First of all, I hope you clicked. Second, perhaps insulting someone’s work when you want something from them is NOT the best way to do things....
  5. Maybe it could pull from a nearby vessel? Peehaps within a certain distance, out of which, the kerbal has a specific amount of time away from the safe zone. Maybe they lose their ability to use the pack after that?
  6. Land in the Dres Canyon! Make a mission report!
  7. I think @hazard-ish made a Tesla roadster with stock parts. I can’t get the link right now, but it shouldn’t be hard to find.
  8. Are you using the ring storage? There are bigger tanks that can store 48,000 antimatter.
  9. I actually think they should be sharp because that way radial attachment looks better. With beveled corners it would have weird gaps. Hmmmmm..... maybe I’ll do an expansion in the future with different shapes, but for now I really want to stick with a fairly simple first release. That will be just the size 1 or “block 1” parts. Nothing
  10. So I was a bit brain-tired yesterday, so I just played some KSP and F:NV. I’ll try to do some this evening. I may not be able to discuss as much as I am in person for school today.
  11. I am a noob at part creation, so I don’t really understand why this is more difficult. Can you explain?
  12. Is there any chance KSP auto-updated? Also, we cannot see your picture, you have to upload it to an image-hosting site like Imgur.
  13. Yeah that's a better idea. It eliminates the need for a custom docking port as well. I think that will cut down on the amount of stuff needed. C U B E
  14. It's been a little bit since there was activity here. Not to poke bears, but have you been up to anything related to this mod recently?
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