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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. I think that's the BetterSRBs mod. Maybe it has configs for this?
  2. Hi Sorry to hear that Im glad you’re back on the development train!! I’ve been looking forward to some news on this.
  3. hey everyone, are both images in my sig working? One should be broken, but it's still showing up to me....
  4. Oh yeah.... Shouldn’t that fix the Snacks issue?
  5. I would be intrigued to see an SSTO starship for tiny payloads....
  6. Y E L L O W Kinda funky how much that pink one looks like WF..... I know it's not, but it looks nice.
  7. Waiter, there's a new Kerbal Space Program update in my soup!
  8. Waiter, there’s a complaining kerbal in my soup! They want stuff for their soup as well!
  9. Have you decided on scope for this expansions yet? How many/what kind of parts are you planning?
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