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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. 22 minutes ago, Zaffre said:

    I was wondering if I'd make it on here sometime! :)

    Why not? Give it a good thought and start a few more threads next month threads as well. :grin: Good luck again for next month, make it a winning streak.


    Congratulations everyone, keep up the interesting topics and good ideas

  2. 10 minutes ago, K^2 said:

    Interestingly, a lot of companies are starting to learn that chasing hype with a game that has a six year development cycle doesn't actually work.

    As an outsider, it does appear that this is becoming the case. Take the unique instance of Cloud Imperium Games that has made a mint with an arguably Alpha State game for years. Allegedly they are losing traction, but from the outside it doesn't appear that way. Whatever the current reality is with this one company internally, this phenom will very likely never repeat.


    18 minutes ago, K^2 said:

    And I do wonder if this is going to propagate into how games are monetized and marketed or if it's just going to create an even larger rift between developers and marketing teams.

    Maybe I am the pessimist, but I believe that, for the foreseeable future, the rift will become larger as marketing teams try to sell the ideas and not the realities. In my own field productivity means more than quality and in this field, safety in reality is paramount. It sure looks like King Greed will continue with the crown for some years to come. May I please be wrong.




    That is so unfortunately true.


    Trying to use an ambiguous example is hard but I will try:

    Take a beaver, a beaver definitely impacts his environment in both positive and negative ways. When the beaver builds his dam there are creatures flooded from their homes and then such as foxes or rabbits. While we know by building the dam it is definitely a large cause, did we take into consideration that it was also flood season? And because of that the damage was far worse than it should have been? For that matter the lack of water downstream affects wildlife and stops the migration of certain fish. Is that taken into account as well? And because of all of this is it necessarily bad per se? After all there is wildlife that rely on those pools of water during dry seasons.


    I was going to use an example with the ocean levels and the polar ice caps however it would not come across ambiguous enough because too many people already have a preconceived notion in their head and I could see people jumping on one side or the other thinking I was trying to support the opposite side of which they were so passionate.

    Which leads us back to that exact bludgeon that was used to get them that way in the first place. What a shame.

  4. 1 hour ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

    That legitimately makes sense.

    Hint: atmospheric pressure


    54 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    What is diminutive to Io?




    2 minutes ago, Stormpilot said:






    Why would a person be banned from a local library?

  5. 1 hour ago, DDE said:

    Thatcher's quote sums up the sentiment:


    [Global warming] provides a marvelous excuse for worldwide, supra-national socialism.

    ..and the comman person doesn't see this. As a matter of fact, the average citizen in any "civilized" or "advanced" nation refuses to see much past a few well worded FB posts or News articles.


    Let's shift gears, electric cars are another area where the public has incorrect or incomplete information. This is another area where both sides misuse data and misinform the public to truths.

    i.e. If we don't do Y in X years we die.


    12 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    Thus 'drastic action' to avert 'certain doom' hardens resistance to change when 'simple changes' to reduce the likelihood of 'a range of possible adverse outcomes' might be more influential to the skeptic.  One is hyperbole, the other reasoned discourse. 

    Very nicely put. But remember, as all things scientific, nothing is absolute. We work on probabilities and likelihood of a given outcome with available data.

    Skewed data, invalid outcome. That's why complete disclosure and information obtained is a must.

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