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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. At first, I thought (sob) that Kerbin was round!

    (Gasp) I know, I know but wait!


    I finally realized I was mislead! (Relief)

    AND my brethren and sistren I found evidense that the Mun landings are (pause)


    (Approved Chatter)



    (Collective gasps!)

    Thank you for showing me the truth!!

    (Wild Cheering)

  2. "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes ... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. ... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. ... They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."

    -Steve Jobs

  3. 3 hours ago, tater said:

    I'm old enough to remember... literally every single year for some decades before the mid-2000s. Back then mortality was higher each year than it has been in the last year, and a higher mortality every year you go backwards for the most part (I assume the curve is a little wobbly). Since I don't recall the cemeteries overflowing then, why would they be now (they certainly were not here in hard-hit (by COVID standards) NM)?

    The year my teenage daughter was born had higher mortality than 2020, and it was just "a year." Actually, my grandmother died a little before that, and she was nearing 90. She died of a respiratory illness in a care facility. Flu, RSV, or cold (coronavirus), presumably. Didn't have a catchy name, though.



    Similar experience here and I know exactly what you are saying. I normally avoid all talk of the pandemic because of such terrible information, stretched truths, and outright lies that push and control people to the point of mob mentality. So I will say no more on that subject because people's passion overruns common sense and I expect no different here.


    Instead I will say that while the pandemic is not near over, we as a species, will survive this like we did other pandemics and anyone who believes that people are not trying their best are on the other side of the fence where they think the side they are not on is greener.

  4. 2 hours ago, Davi SDF said:

    An in game mod workshop to make mod instalation so much easier would be awesome! Specially if it works kinda like Factorio mod workshop.

    I like that idea. They did say it would be easier or maybe I should say more accessible for modders, I've been wondering exactly how they meant that.  It is possible that I missed where they explained it if they did.


    This though I believe would be great. I could see some people being against it only because there will be so many mods some doing the same thing and some just very simplistic. Or basically a bunch of, for lack of a better term ... "junk"... But despite that, it's easy enough to sort through the good stuff in games I have that are similar to this.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

    Because we all know Elon ditched the Falcon rockets in favour of non-reusable rockets that save money by not recovering their boosters. Point being, if there's any sense to be had in your comment, I'm not gonna be the one to see it.

    I wonder. How about it costing something to recover, but on the next build, those costs can THEN be recovered? This of course would not happen to pieces returning straight to a launchpad.


    Such as K-rocket 3 launches, ditched stages (simple beginning design) pay X amount to recover, on the next build the Y amount of the value of the recovered pieces is put towards the current build. It's a more detailed twist to the "farther away from KSC" percentage of KSP1 and if you limit the building recovery reward to applying only to the planetary body the craft is being built on, then recovering Craft on Kerbin would have no effect of building a craft on Duna.

     Too complex? Or just percentage?


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