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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Granted. It's the diameter of a single electron, and warps just enough space to travel less than millimeter. I wish to be captain of the starship Enterprise.
  2. The one thing I hate in video games is that there always seems to be that one mission where all of your guns and ammo and armor are taken away from you, and you have to fight through a horde of [insert enemy type here] with little health and the worst weapon the game can give you. Why? What was the point of building up all my skills and upgrading all my weapons if all you're going to do is take them away from me when I need them most?
  3. The really sad thing about this is that my desire to play KSP1 at this point has been sapped. Like, I'm waiting to get over being sad from this to even play the original.
  4. I get not getting a statement from the company at this point; they are probably trying to get it legally correct, as well as (potentially) trying to figure out what to do with the IP. I also get no statement from the CM's; they only give us what they are told to give us. What I don't get is the lack of the forum moderators - Vanamonde, Gargamel, et al - not jumping into some of these threads and calming people down. I don't mean them giving official statements, but helping to put out some of the emotional fires springing up. That's just...odd?
  5. While I don't disagree with the sentiment, I think it's just simply a matter of being confused and upset and wanting to get something - anything - from the company at this point. We have no choice but to wait, but that doesn't stop us all from sitting on the edge of our seats to hear what's going on. And a lot of people - myself included - are skeptical about communication because it's not only been a while since real communication from the company (Nate's post on Thursday notwithstanding), but this all came out of nowhere abruptly last night with no word from the organization. And I doubt the company wasn't prepared for this to happen. Again, I agree with you. Just hard to wait patiently, you know?
  6. In the event that nobody has seen this, released about an hour ago: Kerbal Space Program 2 Studio Apparently Shuttered Amid Layoffs, Take-Two Responds (msn.com)
  7. I finally finished watching Jack Ryan, and so I started watching Fallout last night. In the middle of the 1st episode, my wife comes in to the room where I'm watching it, sees The Ghoul, and asks quite literally "What on god's green earth are you watching now?". I'm 2 episodes in, and I think the show is pretty darned good. I tried to play Fallout New Vegas a couple times but couldn't get into it, and I can say that you do not need prior knowledge of the game to enjoy it. The way it's written gives enough background about what's going on and why for anyone who loves this genre to get into it. Can't wait to finish the rest of the season, and I hope they have a second season!
  8. While I agree that it could be very good to get fresh blood in to do development, I'm left asking "Are there any developers out there with both the requisite skill-set AND desire to do this". This is a pretty large and complex problem, in a space that, for all intents and purposes, still doesn't really exist. I mean, how many space-flight simulators do we have out there? KSP, Juno, and...??? If there are any others out there, I'm more than willing to give them a check! Anyhow, my point is that while we all hope development continues, the problem lies in finding the right people to do it. All of us here in the community would all be like "that is so cool, sign me up, I'll do it". But how many of us have the coding knowledge to get it done? I'm an automation jockey and can code in a couple of languages. But not to the point where I'd be remotely comfortable in developing KSP2. Not saying people aren't out there, but rather it'd be difficult to find them.
  9. The problem for Take Two is that they are in a position whereby anything they do is doomed. There are only 4 scenarios that play out for them this morning. Scenario 1 Take Two comes out with an announcement indicating that yes, the studio is closing, but they are going to continue development under a new studio. So sorry that this had to happen, and right after we gave Nate the green-light to talk about an upcoming patch, but we're truly sorry and we promise things will be better from here on out. The community will respond with varying levels of "you went through this with Star Theory" and "you have continuously delayed this game" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground. Scenario 2 Take Two comes out and completely dismisses the rumors and stories, indicating that things are just fine and there is nothing to worry about. So sorry about the misinformation, and right after we gave Nate the green-light to talk about an upcoming patch, but we're truly sorry and we promise that this will not impact KSP2 in any capacity. The community will respond with varying levels of "we've been asking for more communication" and "you have lied to us in the past" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground. Scenario 3 Take Two comes out and flat admits the project is canceled. So sorry this had to happen, and right after we gave Nate the green-light to talk about an upcoming patch, but we're truly sorry to anyone who purchased the game. The community will respond with varying levels of "we told you this would happen" and "you made all these promises" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground. Scenario 4 Take Two says and does nothing. No explanations, no messages, no communication. The community will respond with varying levels of "why aren't you telling us what's going on" and "we just know it's canceled so rip off the band-aid" and they'll raise pitchforks and burn TT's buildings to the ground. There is nothing that Take Two can do in the immediate future - today, tomorrow, perhaps the coming weeks? - that will ease tensions and make this all right. Unfortunate for them, and unfortunate for the community.
  10. Maybe not righteous, but certainly stamped on. I was one of them. Got warned for defending myself against them. Got banned for indicating to the mods I was going to take action against being singled-out and harassed. The harassment some of us have to endure under threat of getting banned again continues to this day in spite of reporting posts. We do in fact want KSP2 to succeed. We just also happen to be realistic when it comes to what we see with the game, the developers, and the studio. That doesn't make us wrong, and it shouldn't make us targets for ridicule and shaming by the rest of the community.
  11. I was under the impression that the offices opened at 10am PDT...but that may just be a by-product of them always releasing stuff at that time?
  12. You are absolutely correct. And the article stated that PD will continue to support the game. It said nothing of development, which includes updates, milestone features, and finishing of the product up to 1.0. Support generally means that they will provide help to those who need it, but not to the extent that patches and such will be released. Truth be told, we have zero idea what the article truly means other than taking it at face value: 70 employees are getting the axe, a Seattle office is being shut down, and TT has stated PD will continue to provide support. And, as I stated earlier, PD is the publisher, not the developer. So take that however you want it.
  13. A dislike button would be nice. I like it on Reddit as it, like you said, buries rude comments. Thankfully, in its absence, we have the REPORT function.
  14. Unless, of course, TT decides to do contract buy-outs and give severance packages and stuff to expedite the process of letting employees go. Back in 2008, when I left one insurance company for a competitor, I was given 3 weeks off with 4 weeks of pay to not come into work any longer to prevent the potential for using my current system access to bring inside knowledge to the new company. Not saying that will happen here, but it can. Legally clear. That'd be the first instance in the history of law where something legal was clear.
  15. I read the article. It says only that the publisher will continue to support KSP2, and nothing about the future of Intercept Games OR the IP itself. Supporting does not mean continuing to develop, especially if all of IG is being laid off. Who exactly in the company do you think is going to take over development of a game they probably have no experience in?
  16. Agreed. Get the source code for KSP1 and start from there to avoid all the issues TT/PD/IG ran into when trying to write this from scratch.
  17. While I would be in on this, and while I could invest a decent amount of capital, I'm not sure if this is possible. I doubt the company would sell, and I don't have the slightest clue regarding the legalities of doing it. But if someone does the research and this would pan out, I'm in.
  18. I did a search, and I found a studio called Cat Daddy games. They are affiliated with 2K, and are focused on mobile sports games. While I doubt Cat Daddy is the target here, it is a possibility.
  19. My thoughts exactly. I know we keep hearing that the game is fully funded, and that velocity is good, and they are full steam ahead. But an office marked for closure, with one of the devs literally stating he was let go, on top of the continued subterfuge with patch release dates and milestone updates? Not good.
  20. No, it is on you to say what you mean. Don't respond to me with something I never mentioned and act like its my fault. If you don't want me to think you are telling me that, then don't say it in the first place. The onus is on you to be clear.
  21. I'm not a game developer, so I can't comment on what Wes was doing. Or what kind of impact it has. I can only state that, if it is true, there is a direct impact on KSP2 regardless of what the company wants to tell us.
  22. @Flush Foot It is on Evelyn to clarify. She responded to my post, which means she is replying to me directly. If she didn't mean what she wrote, it is on her to state that. Until then, I don't appreciate her telling me I'm accusing her of something she didn't do when yes, she did in fact reply directly to me with something I didn't mention up front.
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