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Single stage to ocean

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Everything posted by Single stage to ocean

  1. Put a large storage unit full of parts, assemble a rocket, and have fun. 1 "part" rocket completes a grand tour
  2. Keep it running for 6 hours by all cheaty means possible, then you can exploit this and switch to tracking station. 216,000 EC in batteries needed, so you are kind of screwed. Maybe remove solar panels, and just tolerate the terrible slowness. From empty, it is only 60 cycles, which doesn't suck too much with 100,000x warp.(assumes 6k dv). Maybe leave to asunnier place, refuel, then come back and explore. Remove the solar panels b/c according to watching bradley whitsance videos, isru can scale down production as long as the power doesn't change.
  3. Always store a static panel in the cabin with several repair kits, never know when they will really save you.
  4. Limited clipping is justified b/c KSP has terrible mass fractions, fuel tanks weigh 10 times as irl.
  5. Maybe when they die they explode into tiny spores. Its scary seeing them, they look lifeless.
  6. No competitive mode, it doesn't fit in the spirit. If you want create server with rules like this, like first person to Mun wins.
  7. It is kind of terrible outside of tiny craft. Ob my large grand tour kerbalism craft concepts, I get a recurring TWR of just 0.01 at best. Sometimes it reaches 0.00, b/c it rounds more closely to that, hence i can infer TWR<0.005. An option to boost them is urgently needed. The boost mode reduces ISP to 2000, creates 100kW of heat, needing a large radiator panel, and keeps EC consumption the same, and increases thrust to 3kN. Adequately nerfed.
  8. Made an eve ssto This is just after I reentered and landed after successfully going to orbit. Real comfy to fly if a bit toasty on the way up. Terrible ascent left excess fuel. I think a perfect ascent could let you go to Gilly if you replace payload with xenon and ions, like @realseek and his Eve SSTA wings of oppornity. Sadly this can only reenter while empty, but I plan to kolonize Eve someday with Kerbalism ISRU to refuel these. Funny things ithat nervs at sea levle produce just 70 newtons of thrust, with them on at full power, after stopping, and timewarping to stop any bobbing , i top out at the glacial place of 0.1m/s pic says 8 m/s b/c i just landed.
  9. Doesn’t matter. I can take off with those gears just fine. I think you could put 1 megaton on the small landing gear and it wont budge at all. And I even took off by taxing to land.
  10. NVM All fixed. Still must land in water. Mods, close this thread. Thanks everyone for the tips.
  11. I've just made one with 500m/s dv on orbit. Sadly no, ISRU. This was a test flight, I cheated it to 20k meters, full of a dummy weight of 2 tons of ore b/c of propellers(not yet installed) and went to orbit after pitching out of dive at 15k. Just the OKTO core as payload, maybe it could handle a lander can. And produce zero thrust(its at 8m/s b/c i just landed. I stayed up at high altitude skipping the atmosphere with the excess Nerv fuel for a bit, fun) Reverse engineered from @realseek. The fairing content is really odd for an SSTO, which must save weight. ore and reaction wheels are here. Odd, but i needed them to fix bad fuel flow and cot com issues. Used some aero exploits, but sane and realistic. No photos of ascent sadly, was stressed. All the photos are of me descending from orbit, empty b/c I just went to orbit earlier. All of this in Kerbalism mod(adds life-support and potential engine failure). I could carry a lander can but this flight is unmanned. Still full stock. Fully possible, and comfortable to fly with 4 vector engine and a mass of just 250 tons, giving it a decent TWR for a spaceplane. Go at Mach 1, then start pitching up., follow prograde after 30 secs at 10 degrees. Then self explanatory.
  12. I used really wimpy landing gear It is just 3 medium gear supporting 230 tons in eve gravity. How fast should I hit the water(horizontal speed)? I'll descent at vert speed of 1m/s.I realized the issues is because I kept on stalling, and i read your jool 5 story, about the plane.Next time I will land faster to avoid stalling. Thanks!
  13. Truly conlonizing a planet with Kerbalism is the hardest thing you can do. You must get Nitrogen, Hydrogen(To power fuel cells furing night), Oxygen, Ammonia, and etc. and And nitrogen and carbon dioxide are incredibly rare. You also have to make fuel, which requires, I believe, according to @king of nowhere huge amounts of electricity and carbon dioxide, restricting it to Duna atmosphere collection. Then food from greenhouses, interplanetary fuel freighters, so many morer
  14. missing in the pic is a probe core and 4 large reaction wheels, and several clipped elevons.
  15. Remember the pendulum rocket fallacy, keep COM ahead of COT. Use Mechjeb to visualize COM, COT, and COL. Possible to fly fully stock however, not as easy though.
  16. This monstrosity starts at 15 km at 110 m/s with props, and uses vectors till 2700m/s, where oxidizer runs out.(Real headache is the careful fuel balancing, and I usually throttle down right before exhaustion to keep the gimbal of vectors enought to handle flipping, the COT went in the wrong place). Then NERVs the rest of the way to orbit, with 600m/s left on orbit. Dunno if it could get you to Gilly with a touch more of LF. I hate this monstrous creation, but it works. Full stock, and it is shamelessly reverse engineered from @realseek.
  17. No argon or bigger ion engines, but there should be an option to overclock ion engines inc exchange for releasing loads of heat and energy consumption, as well as lower efficiency. EM drive will get OP fast and doesn't fit in game spirit. There is a similiar mod called Magnetricity with the a magnetic drive which only work in planet SOIs. And soon there will be players using the EM drive to reach millions of km/s with bettertimewarp and persistent thrust to speed things up millions of times if it added. It will make almost all propulsion obselete, even if it has almost nonexistent thrust, need radiators, and huge power needs if you have any patience to just wait a few hours. Note, EM drives don't work by magnets. they are actually useless IRL, even pointing a flashlight and using it as a rocket it better, b/c the EM drive has 0 thrust, its just the wires inside reacting against Earths magnetic feild genertating the "thrust". Flashlight will increase ur speed by a few nanomters a s econd
  18. I can't land my Eve SSTO on any land, and must land on water. (Pls don't ask me to land on land) I can't take off with a glorious top speed of 5 m/s, so I must taxi to land and the take off there with my super small landing gear. The issue is that I only landed once(with cheat menu), and that failed b/c the battery ran out, and I forgot solar. All the others failed because the Kerbo-dyne ATDP splashed down and broke, destroying the majority of the thing.(It was on the front and even if I go slow as possible, it splashes down. And the landing gear is not deployed, b/c the drag from an activated gear could flip the plane over.)I used Mechjeb to slow to 1m/s descent and even stayed just above stall speed, of 36m/s, I don't want to redo the cursed thing.
  19. No matter how many landing gear, I add, attached to the strongest part, a fuel tank, it breaks. in half and and explodes. (This was fixed with more struts and Mechjeb landing autopilot set for descent at 1 m/s) But I need flat space to land on land(I can oddly take off on the roughest terrain)
  20. No, a completely different program, that is based on reverse engineered ksp 1. kind of illegal, but give squad royalties.
  21. Surely some KSP modder will hack KSP 1 to interface with KSP 2 if you download it, and it has all parts of KSP 2 as well as multiplayer. Pretty far fetched, but
  22. Maybe a max speed calculator for certain AOAs, eg at 1 aoa max speed of 1km/s.
  23. It can get difficult expalining shock cones and etc to new players, who might be wondering why their control surfaces aren't working above a certain speed. Make it a difficulty setting.
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