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Single stage to ocean

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Everything posted by Single stage to ocean

  1. Off topic, but I wish there was a challenge with EVA construction, where you have a bunch of parts, you have to assemble them(while on Duna) and must race to Kerbin. You have various parts there, and don't have to use all.
  2. I got an upgrade, and I want to know how nice it is. This is my first time in Qatar Airlines. This is in the off-topic section, so it is ok. Odd topic for sure, but just curious.
  3. You pay a subscription for servers. or you can use your personal computer connected to the console for the physics(surely there will be a pc mod to cut out Squad). no zipping then. the advatage of console is u can connect to tv, so it is worth it to make ksp 2 on console but dependent on squad servers.
  4. Hey king of nowhere. I am going to donate to you my in developement craft here. Short by 500-400m/s, but with minor aero modifications and more LF, orbit will be trivial. Yes, struts are quite draggy Note, the dv values are kerbin ASL Payload of 0.6-0.7 tons, could be streched. One mk1 lander pod or some seats.
  5. FAR style aero as a difficulty setting, and when activated, it provides a tutorial and a wind tunnel for a sample craft, and tells you tips
  6. Maybe rendering is done on console, but physics are done on the computer. All it transfers are all the physics stuff. You could get by with just needing a few megabytes each minute, which is tiny.(Use JSON and zipping)
  7. Fully doable, and I got an idea, the Eve SSTO reenters with the ablative heatshields on the front, that are detached on landing. The heatshields have a probe core, reaction wheels(to flip them back up) and rover wheels to turn them into an eve rover. They are then used as a Kerbal shuttle for an Eve base, where they can be sent to orbit again, when I set up an Eve ISRU to refuel empty SSTO, which don't need heatshields. Get the Sandcastle mod, and I can recycle the empty heatshields, mine ore, and then 3D print more heatshields. Then send them to orbit, where any fully fueled descending craft docks to them. and lands. And LOL I named it Eve suborbital, thinking it would only be able to got suborbital to be suborbitally caught, but it I actually got it close to an ssto. Just some minors modifications and I get to orbit with no discarded stages
  8. I know them and used them on the craft. Anyway, the craft is an Eve ssto, which I am quite proud of. It’s getting closer and closer to eve orbit. Just can’t reenter on full tanks, which sucks b/c this is kerbalism, where you can’t isru on eve surface, and the challenge is to be fully reusable. I send a fuel truck down, with a heatsehild, that will land with chutes, refuel the empty plane, and the fuel truck will get refueled later.
  9. Followed your tips and have a ludicrous lift drag ratio of 5 at 11k meters. Thx so much. I am short by 400m/s, but I have plenty of wiggle room, and I did a terrible ascent from Eve. Note to self, never use big-s wing strakes. They suck when they have an heading of not exactly zero, and you need large amount on eve for reaching15km Above Sea Level, even at maximum AOA. Adding more fuel, not activating nervs at 11k m where they have isp of 0, a enter ascent, and I’ll be successful
  10. Keep it on console, but the catch is all processing is not done on console. You connect it to a computer via WiFi, which does the computing. Could be slow, but vastly better. Maybe even distributed computation could help. Kind of like the Anker robot toy thingy.
  11. When i place the strut on its origin part, all is fine, but when i try to select another part to join the strut with, it just selects the part and detaches it, making me have to press ctrl-z and have to be unable to use struts. What is this?
  12. I am angry someone hasn't made a 100,000 kerbal ssto. Boo!. So easy, its only 50kiltons of payload! and 6,000 parts just for crew. 18,000 in total.
  13. Just one planet, that destroys anything that gets within 1 million meters of it, wouldn't hurt, but I dont like it wouldnt fit in the games spirit. Or a planet that when you land it sends you to squad's ksp2 demo(if there is one) or its buy website, that is in ksp2. it only appear when you turn on a setting.
  14. And i made a big mistake on my prototypes, I used big-s strakes that were backwards, where they have an AOA of 180 and generate near 0 lift and huge drag. Only attach them next to each other at AOA of 5 degrees with heading into airflow of zero. Issue is how to take off at a tolerable speed without having much wing. Maybe land vertically at sea level, reach high horizontal speed, and then climb. Again, eve is really mountainous. So landing is hard. Also, agressively remove nodes. I did this and got an eve glider that can glide on eve 4000m for 200m/s for 2 minute(but kind of cheaty, b/c i accidentally left hacked gravity on, otherwise. drag is increased when i have to pitch up to avoid being pulled down.) Had exactly zero nodes
  15. Sounds nice. Do fairings work if you dont actually build a fairing? What kind of propellors to use? Would aerospikes be better? What kind of liquid fuel to rocket fuel ratio is best? maybe 1 unit lf to 8 units lfox. And I am ok with a rocket that only reaches 2600m/s out of atmo b/c I can suborbital catch, but ssto is prefferable
  16. when you put the ladder, but the catch is that is is attached upside down(oops). Luckily it didn't hurt since it was on mun.
  17. Should I use a pure nerv and propeller approach, or chemical rockets, propellors, and nuclear engines? What are all your (semi)-cheaty ways of reducing drag?
  18. What are all of the best ways to make it more aerodynamic? I got a neat concept so far.
  19. Your plane is draggy b/c mk2 parts must point dead prograde or drag will be insane. And you could make a 1 ton rocket that can leave laythe, serious. In kerbalism, eva commands seats have two hours of life support. This is enough to go up and down, plant a flag, and dilly dally.
  20. I know about service bay tricks(hides propellers in them when shut, useful for my eve ssto) and the fairing trick, as well as trying to minimize the amount of nodes, eg, on motors, right clicking them in VAB and changeing the amount of nodes. I also know about wing incidence. What is the optimal angle for something like an eve ssto, designed to go fast in Eve's thick atmosphere.?Any tips help, except egrigious exploits like heatsheild wings or kraken drives My concept is 7 of the largest kerbodyne tanks, with 4 big-s wings for every tank(at 10 degree incidence), each filled with lf, so when the lfox runs out i use lf nukes. 5 nukes power it on exhaustion of lfox. Payload is 1 ton, and maximum mass of 650 tons. Full reusability. Note, this is in the kerbalism mod, which only allows 1 ignition for mammoths, and ~14 for nukes(also no isru). I will send an engineer for on orbit engine refurbishing, kerbalism gives you a 1/4 chance of you not being able to repair, so max of 4 trips up and down before failure. Then i send it to kerbin either on nukes(on orbit refuel) or carry it as dead weight for grand tour. No need to actually do this multiple times, but no part is destroyed or lost or left on eve surface. Do you think this concept will work? tell me all your drag reduction tips so I can make it work. Thanks!
  21. No, I dislike them b/c what if you want the wing to have a style like the big-s wings? Or like a FAT airline wing? Or you want different impact tolerance, or different heat resistance? This could get complex fast. Exact same system as stock, with same parts, with maybe some more added.
  22. I'm owrking on an eve ssto, and the secret is that you don't need high thrust on rockets. Use props to reach 20k, and rocket engines to 50k, stay above stall speed, rest done on nervs. Agian, just tested on kerbin, but promising.
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