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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. That\'s creative adn fits the kerbalness thing very well. ;D
  2. No, I just added the docking vectors in a way I thought they whould work with coordinates stolen from the top node. How can you undock if you can\'t dock?
  3. I think it\'s the parts heat. You can find that out by stock parts ;P
  4. For the standard FLT-500... fullExplosionPotential = 0.9 emptyExplosionPotential = 0.1 This should be a noticeable difference ingame. Try setting all fuel = something lines for this craft in persistent.sfs to zero (don#t know if you can refuel it again...)
  5. Yes, tried it out, went to another port, right-clicked and choosed auto-dock in part menu, debug console says something but it doesn\'t dock.
  6. I think with MuMechVariableRCS. Never tried it though. Maraz, whould you please add power and MaxZO2Gain to your panels for these who want to use them with my or l00s plugin? (standard type should still be the decorative or ZO2 one).
  7. You can move around the camera and enjoy the explosions now (althrough I sometimes spamhit space to escape and it opens the screen on keyboard input).
  8. Seeing bob exactly sharing Jeb\'s feelings at this time made me laugh. Seriously.
  9. Maybe the ship needs a cooldown before you shoot again. And fuel tanks explode a lot better if full, so maybe empty them a bit before attacking it.
  10. The USB stick I saved the data I need in the holidays on. FUUUUUUU
  11. I had problems with other nodes, try rotating them in ANY position that looks possible...
  12. Docking is already in. using System; using UnityEngine; public class DockingPort : Part { public Vector3 dockingNodeOrientation; public Vector3 dockingNodePosition; public float ejectionForce; public DockingPort(); [KSPEvent(guiName = 'AutoDock', guiActive = true)] public void ActivateAutoDock(); public override void OnDrawStats(); protected override void onFlightStart(); protected override bool onPartActivate(); protected override void onPartStart(); [KSPEvent(guiName = 'Undock', guiActive = true)] public void Undock(); } This is what VC++ gives out, and the first 3 lines are the .cfg params for it. Don\'t know how well it works., but at least it is in the final build...
  13. Yes, newest version+Newest MuMechLib (included the wrong one). However, I think l00 has updated his code after this again, so it might differ from the ZO2 panel behaviour (stupid word, spelled right?)...
  14. From the new plugin dev docs, I whould say that the plane can store a bit of KerbinAthmosphere (yes that\'s a fuel type used by Mu! Might change until .16 though), but it whould need intakes (maybe also cockpit/engine-integrated ones) to run for a long time.
  15. The next MechJeb will have a console window you can use for giving orders to it. So maybe we\'ll also get MechJeb scripting...
  16. They couldn\'t go around physics. They invented railguns, lasers, ICBMs and stuff like that, but it was mostly theoretical crap they couldn\'t build in the last months of war. Antigrav can\'t work and it\'s the only thing that has never been built invented by them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_UFOs <- More information about this conspiracy theory shit
  17. I honestly can\'t hear this Reichsflugschiebe crap anymore...
  18. In the videos I\'ve seen they decoupled it as soon as the payload touched the ground, it flew away after the mass loss very quickly. You could go around that by having the command pod on the crane and a MechJeb on the payload.
  19. If it attaches like this, it should also attach on the VB 1m battery ???
  20. That can\'t be. They should only attach to the side nodes on a VB battery...
  21. The explosions look like a heavy storm in background with some dirt clouds in the foreground, lol ;D
  22. It only attachs to the Void Bukerneering battery, at least until someone makes an alternate part.cfg that allows radial and nose placement, I didn\'t get it, and I tried for 2 hours on a train journey...
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