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An Amongus Sussy Player

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Everything posted by An Amongus Sussy Player

  1. My mission to jool was spoiled by a retro eve assist, but i used an extra kerbin assist to get there here is the link https://imgur.com/gallery/CRmdTCm
  2. im trying to fix it don't download
  3. there is a new mod : https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/k6adms/ksp_ui_mod_in_progress/?ref=share&ref_source=embed&utm_content=title&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=a8f5750b62de453f8f37d39ddf6c9c60&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=k6adms
  4. these are my screenshots for yesterday minmus mission mun mission secret insight to update to my planet mod :
  5. science farming mission to minmus 8/9 biomes only left is the slopes 5000 science
  6. UPDATE GUYS @Spaceman.Spiff @Souptime @JB182 @Dientus @ShuttlePilot @Stormpilot @ZinkBot @thomas81 @OrdinaryKerman @Ben J. Kerman I'M ADDING AURORAE
  7. Got another big decrease in mod size @Spaceman.Spiff @Souptime @JB182 @Dientus @ShuttlePilot @Stormpilot @ZinkBot @thomas81 @OrdinaryKerman @Ben J. Kerman We are getting close to Release 0.1's size (62.51MiB)
  8. @OrdinaryKerman Don't color your suits too much be careful jk it was me @Ben J. Kerman
  9. @FruitGoose the fps could die if you have custom weather effects running all over the planet
  10. A massive rocket that went to the mun in ksp demo now i realise that thing could go to jool
  11. Hey guys @Spaceman.Spiff @Souptime @JB182 @Dientus @ShuttlePilot @Stormpilot @ZinkBot @thomas81 I have released the new version of this mod and it has been HEAVILY optimized. SEE : VS An outright 30MB decrease in compressed size @thomas81 this should work for you now
  12. @ColdJ I'm trying to make a texture for the nuclear thermal gas core closed cycle water powered engine but Idk how to code parts so if you give me your discord i think i can help a lot better
  13. planet packs can work on all ksp versions back to 1.3.1 @Martian Emigrant and its fine to be on 1.11
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