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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Ok, magnet and cable done. I had to adjust the winch platform slightly to get the most cable and have the ship be able to land. The cable is as long as I could make it and it both fit and look realistic fully extended. So all 3 pieces are built for practical use, and won't look exactly like in the show.
  2. I am a sucker for this game, so here I am. Hello @FTLparachute
  3. They are not here, but since I have never met them, and I am hoping you called them because they won't mind. Hello @Beale.
  4. Granted: But due to the Earth having 10 Gs of gravity nothing is moving and all life is propably dead by then. I wish for normal Earth gravity.
  5. Banned by Lassie for falling down the well.
  6. P 1 (ever notice that no matter how much you read what you wrote before posting, that it is only after you post that you see the mistake?)
  7. And we can read them all and come to our own conclusions. I personally don't believe something just because I read it somewhere. I look to as many sources as possible and then form my opinion by what seems to make sense, based on my experience. I certainly won't attack or oppress people because somebody tells me to. Race, colour, gender or country are meaningless to me. I only care how an individual treats their fellow human beings. My country has an epidemic of teens with no empathy, breaking into houses, stealing cars and causing massive damage, just because they feel like it. Because they have become disconnected to humanity through modern social media. The type of A.I that is being promoted just makes it worse. I am not presenting multiple opposing views, I am expressing an encompassing one. The fact you can think for yourself and present your opinions is because you were brought up before A.I The way we are going there will generations without that ability. My country didn't have a Vape problem and cigarette smoking was on the decline. Vapes were introduced to my country with basically no regulation. My country now has a massive teen vaping problem. Young people will take things up with very little thought for long term consequences. Nanny state is bad, but checking the risks thoroughly before making stuff available to the whole world, is just common sense.
  8. Granted: It cancels out regular gravity and you drift off into space. I wish for another me.
  9. Oh, hello. Sorry been writing in another thread. Because I think carefully about what I am writing, it takes ages. P -1
  10. "Yes, yes you can" :- Phineas "What are we going to do today." :- Phineas
  11. @DDE@SunlitZelkova My take away from both of you is "we have already been stuffing up the general population for so long, what does it matter if we accelerate and stuff it up even more." I will try to make this brief since if both sides of the discussion can't be swayed then what I write next is probably just me saying it to the universe. At some level this is true, human beings need an outlet and need to feel they are achieving something in order to have a sense of happiness. We play video games in order to feel like we can achieve something, in a situation where the rules don't keep changing. Many of us can rule a galactic empire in a game because the rules are fixed. In life, every time you try to play by the rules society claims are fixed, they change them or add little loop holes. If we hadn't started replacing human jobs with automation, then we wouldn't need all these other technologies to keep us occupied. Inventions were meant to make your jobs easier, not replace us. Because with a book you think out what it says and see if it fits with what you have learned about the world through personal experience. You can even attempt what has been written to prove if it is true. When newer generations rely on A.I to answer everything, they make the assumption that it is correct. If you or I look up something, we read many different articles and then use our intelligence to find a pattern that makes the most sense. When an A.I shows you pictures of the old British empire from 300 years ago and everybody in the pics has dark skin, you realise that it is not correct because you learn't about history in your schooling. If future generations rely on A.I for all their answers, then it would be very easy to change history and they would never know. @SunlitZelkova I read all you wrote and I am on the same page for most of it. I have always enjoyed your posts on philosophical matters, in a number of threads. Sadly, future generations will probably not be able to muse and make the sort of connections you do, thanks to A.I Sorry all. That was as brief as I could get.
  12. P -2 And incase I don't see you, Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
  13. https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Transportation/Future_space_transportation/Tough_tests_no_problem_for_carbon-fibre_cryo_fuel_tanks
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