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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Gets a Tic Tacitus. Inserts a Jaffa.
  2. Can you go Ice Cheating on a frozen lake?
  3. Frozen 5747: You let it go, let it go, you don't worry about it any more.
  4. Because the Earth is not the Sun. The Sun needs to behind you to see a rainbow, so to see a sphere you would have to be standing on the Sun. What is a word you don't know?
  5. Calling 911 to say "You'll never take me alive Coppurr."
  6. Gets a Parkslug. Inserts a Cicada.
  7. I am sitting in the cheat seats.
  8. Because otherwise it would be a theatre of war. Why are there so many songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side?
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