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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Cheating is creating with a letter substitution.
  2. Floor 5454 for the third time. 2 medical bays with 2 DALEK Doctors. And a sign that says "Floor 5456"
  3. Banned by Jack Nicolson in a classic movie with white coats.
  4. In the plot of it's hit movie. Am I a figment of your imagination?
  5. We have a "strictly no eating other customers" policy in place. Waiter, do you ever wonder how long you have been waiting?
  6. Whenever I see bananas I worry that something has been locked.
  7. Side Effect: Existing in this world rather than a utopia. Superpower: Having hours go by like they are minutes.
  8. Terribly sorry, the last customer missed the bucket. Waiter I see through your soup.
  9. Because baby it's cold outside. If it is the Antarctic, then shouldn't it be hot?
  10. Floor 5451: Havoc, and let loose the dogs of war. The bridge of a Klingon Bird of Prey.
  11. All of our spaceships need to be home by midnight.
  12. Gets a Spitoon. Inserts a collander.
  13. When you are a Pirate, cheating is just good manners.
  14. ColdJ


    Alexandria (Suburb in Sydney NSW Australia.)
  15. Calling 911 to order a T-shirt cannon.
  16. Possibly, it is better than being Astrologically banned.
  17. Because you know what it does. For the rest of us it is "Say What?" Is this a Lager I see before me?
  18. I noticed, but when you have started as many new pages as I have, it loses it's excitement. But ok, here is my customary new page saying. egap wen kool yeH N -3
  19. Certainly, would you like a cake to go with that? Waiter, do you have window pickles?
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